Female Libra Characteristics
f you have just met that Libra girl in office and can't seem to get her off your head, then lap up this article, as it will gently steer you around a Libra woman's personality. Get to know what lies hidden behind that jovial face and all the facets of a Libra woman in this article on female Libra characteristics.
That statement right there is a classic example when a Libran, born on 29th September, 1943, publicly exemplified the need to attain and maintain balance. One mention of the word Libra, and the world naturally deduces that you must be the epitome of balance and equilibrium. At this point of time, I shall kindly ask you to hold your horses. A Libran, especially a Libra woman emanates anything but balance, when she is struggling to get her scales to stagnate on a singular plane. It is nothing short of a pandemonium really and anybody around her during these indecisive phases shall totally agree with me. Trust me, I am a Libra girl! It takes a lot for us to attain that balance, that we are so famous for. To us everyone's opinion is important, and every little detail has to be carefully dissected, analyzed and then a final verdict has to be announced. And it's not only the ground-shattering things, even the most trivial issue of hanging clothes the correct way after washing, can get the Libra wheel of logic turning! Aggravating I know, but believe me once we have attained that optimally accurate answer to our dilemmas, our smiles can make you forget all the torture we put you through during the back and forth grinding process! Welcome to the world of female Libra characteristics.
So from here onwards we study the different characteristics of Libra woman one at a time.
Female Libra Characteristics: Physical Appearance and Health
"These are the beautiful people, who, befitting their rank as gods and goddesses of a powerful modern mythology, lead beautiful lives in beautiful houses, attired in beautiful clothes and, ostensibly, thinking only beautiful thoughts." - Helen Lawrenson.
Those lines came from a novelist, herself a Libran. True, a Libra woman generally has soft pleasing features. There is nothing angular or jagged about her appearance. Rather, a Libran girl is curvaceous, replete with usually wavy or curly hair. Normally, Libra females have a tendency to become a little chubby, given their affinity for champagne, chocolates and cheese, but even the most shapely and toned beauties will display those bumps at the right place. Take actress Catherine Zeta-Jones for example or for that matter Carrie Fisher of Princess Leia fame. Curvaceous all right! Even the signature V-shaped chin line has a soft, rounded edge.
Next, the Librans generally have almond colored eyes. The most striking thing about Libran eyes that their eyes are the first places that start smiling even before it can be detected on the lips. See it for yourself the next time, if you don't believe me. Librans are the ambassadors of the most radiant, prefect smiles. They can literally light up a dark room with that curve appearing on their lips. And they know that and often use it to their advantage! In fact, their smiles can actually change and uplift the features of a most ordinary looking Libra chick and add new dimensions of charm and attractiveness to it. Libran laughs are known to make an impression on people, who have had the pleasure of envisioning it, at least once. I even overheard my quintessentially Virgo boyfriend once telling his friend that her (my) smile makes me (him) weak in the knees. Now, when a Virgo has complimented you, you know you have earned it!
The most persistent of all physical traits of Libra zodiac sign is the presence of dimples either on the face or on the knee of a Libran woman and man. If its on the face, then most often it's placed on the chin. And it's actually one of the features that accentuates the cuteness of a Libran face.
By large, Libran women might sometimes be messy but never dirty. Sanity and hygiene mean a lot to the female scale-bearer and owing to this habit, these people are generally healthy, other than a few colds and coughs here and there. Also, Librans make it a point to give their bodies sufficient amount of rest whenever their systems have been overworked. Usually after a session of tempestuous decision making! They seem to have a mental siren that seems to go off as soon as the physical and mental faculties have been optimally exploited. Its only when they do not allow their systems to relax, do the problems start. When sick, just a protracted slumber session can heal them. Soft music, books and some warm hugs from their partners are the real miracle drugs for these women.
With a strong immune system that can give any other zodiac sign a run for their money, a Libran can really fall ill due to over-indulgence, a quality that plagues the Librans. Actress Alicia Silverstone actually pointed out one of the weaknesses of her sun sign when she said, "My favorite thing in the world is a box of fine European chocolates which is, for sure, better than sex." Librans cave to their urges to binge on sweets and alcohol, especially when depressed. These usually lead to violent bouts of indigestion, migraine, blotchy skin, bladder and kidney perturbations and ulcers stemming from greedy food consumption rather than worry. If mentally vexed for a considerable period of time a Libran woman also becomes susceptible to boils, itchy skin and other skin allergies. Since the breast area of the Libran woman is a rather sensitive part of the body, it can be afflicted with certain breast related problems, especially cancer. Very rarely, but intestinal troubles and foot problems are noted among Libran women.
All in all, the Libran girl is generally hail and hearty, given that nothing is mentally gnawing at her. She has something spicy about her appearance that makes her more attractive than beautiful, but you can't just put a finger on what that magic component is!
Female Libra Characteristics: Personality
The Female Libran: Individual
Born under the ruling planet of Venus, between 23rd September to 23rd October, a Libran woman is a very pleasant personality. She is known for her charming and graceful ways among friends, relatives and even distant social circles. They naturally exude such an easy, light and fun aura about them that most often they are stereotyped as the happy-go-lucky Libran. This is the reason why they make for some of the finest party hostesses. They shower equal amounts of attention on each of her invitees and usually are blessed with the gift of the gab. They truly know how to win hearts and do everything in their power to make their dos the talk of the town. She is a social butterfly whose attempts at even harmless flirting can reap fantastic results. However, this perfectionist streak in a Libran stems from the fact that Librans cannot take criticism well. They brood for days after being criticized and often hold it against people who fail to recognize their efforts.
However, because they are so charming and eloquent, Libran women are sometimes taken for air-brains. Anybody who falls into this trap is gravely mistaken. Librans, given their varied interests, are usually very well-read and have logical things to say on myriad subjects. It's just that they are not very crudely vocal about it. Their most firm opinions are packaged in a satin-smooth tone which seldom offends her listeners. Margaret Thatcher, again a Libran, once mirrored this signature scale-bearer diplomacy with her statement, "You don't tell deliberate lies, but sometimes you have to be evasive." A Libran is euphemistic in her approach. She wraps the ugliest truth in a way that its not blatant enough to hurt a soul but at the same time very just and fair. In short, she's smooth and efficient.
A Libra lady is extremely fond of the fineries of life. She adores luxury and and can't keep from buying that exorbitant Jimmy Choo heels once it has caught her fancy. Believe me, they secretly dream about them until they can finally possess their much coveted item of desire. She is the quintessential 'roses and champagne' type. In fact Librans are said to have the best collections of perfumes. They are very particular about smelling good and have a penchant for les parfums les meilleures. In order to fund for these luxuries, most Libran women work. On a negative note, they practice so much indiscretion when it comes to splurging that a lot of bills are cleared with the help of their partners or fathers. Don't judge us as we have our Achilles' heels, too.
Libran women are extremely cultured and tend to develop a leaning towards artistic and creative things in life. Usually they themselves take up and cultivate a particular art form. They are connoisseurs of paintings, dance forms, music and literature. In fact they are often drawn to people who read. Author Katherine Mansfield, a Libran of course, once mentioned that "The pleasure of all reading is doubled when one lives with another who shares the same books.". We love books. Period. In fact my ideal date with a guy would book shopping and then going for coffee at a cozy den. Sublime! In fact Libra women are usually very attracted to good orators. The art of playing with words should be your forté in order to quickly win over this October chick. Even flowery verbiage is attractive to us Librans. Judge us as snobs if you want but at least we have a stronger vocabulary!
Finally, let's explore the scales part of this sign. Librans never ever dismiss anybody's point of view and never impress their own opinions on others. Whatever they say are most often a judgment created on the basis of careful analysis and much rumination and very morality inclined. Morals rank high in the thinking faculties of the Libran woman. While expressing her views on something her reply will almost never be monosyllabic. She will start off with a very vocal monologue, comprising the pros and cons of something and after much weighing will she arrive at a just, or at least the most fair conclusion. Once justice is attained she will regain her charming composure again. But until then, well let's say things are not that pretty. But once she's made up her mind, it is practically impossible to deter a Libran from her stand. The upside of this entire feature is that a Libran woman is not unfair and never dismisses her partners argument without rational analysis. In fact she doesn't shirk away from apologizing when her conclusion shows that she was wrong. Even though this long drawn tug-of-war does get tedious and irritating sometimes, Libran women have a brilliantly infectious smile that can lighten up the tense situation in a jiffy once she is back to her harmonious 'balanced' frame of mind again, with equilibrium restored in the world again. In fact so conscious we are of justice and honesty and morality that you shall never even find a Libran buying pirated books or CDs. I at least wouldn't be caught dead in the possession of one.
Libran personality traits may may ideally be described as a true blue 'mixture of opposites'. She is diplomatic and yet would never give up a chance to have an argument. She will chatter away to glory for hours all together, but when it comes to hearing you out, you will find another patient listener with difficulty. She is a very competent worker but at the same time hates to be ordered around. They hate moving at a glacial speed but take the most time to take decisions. They are hell bent on maintaining diplomacy but never refrain from voicing a just opinion even if it involves taking sides. All in all, Libran women are the most confusing people around who sometimes fail to understand their own actions and digressions from their own rules.
The Female Libran: Romantic Partner
"The story of a love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity." ~ Helen Hayes.
That came from another Libran horse's mouth! Libran's adore the concept of love. They Idealize and worship it. A truly emotional love situation, even that of a stranger's can deeply stir the female Libra soul. Thus, men should be happy to have a Libran lover as these ladies do everything to keep their love stories glitch-free. However, do not delude yourself with the belief that they will let you dominate and humbly accept everything you say. Gravely mistaken you shall be if you are naïve enough to believe this. When it comes to romance, female Libra characteristics, are manipulative but then again she does it all to win you over and then protect you.
If you have ever noticed the Chinese symbol of 'ying-yang' you shall know that it implies the concept of duality. It also implicates that every man has some effeminate qualities in him and every woman has some manly traits in her. This stands bang on for Libra. It's the intellect of a Libran woman where this concept can mostly be noted. You see, Libran women are demure, petite and very charming. She will melt your heart with her fantastic flirting skills. Her soft ways will make you want to take her under your wing and protect her. It's only when the romantic ship of your love story has set sail, when the stronger streak of her personality surfaces. Even though she has never insult or belittle you, you shall notice what a strong individual she really is. Even though you realize that she is fully capable of standing on her own, she will never make you feel that she doesn't need that reassuring hand around her waist anymore. And she really believes that. She knows about her strength but she feels that you add to her strength. She is extremely faithful and doesn't even feel the urge to notice one more man in her life, the day she finds her soul-mate. She'll never push her opinions down your throat but will engage you in a very systematic discussion to put forth her reasoning.
Librans girls hate being single. They are never single for a prolonged period of time. As a result, they insist on involving their partners in everything they do. She is very very supportive of her partners decisions, after elaborately analyzing them in her mind. However, even if she finds a fault with the plan of action, she gently pushes him into the correct path. So, gentle is her approach that you might not even realize that it wasn't your own idea to allow the paradigm shift.
A scale-bearer makes her husband her first priority. She will allow nothing to encroach that space. She will love and pamper him. She'll even read up on things that interests you and even learn a language if your mother tongue is different. She might pay equal attention to all the men in the party but understand that she has no real intentions for a single one of them. It's just that her ruling planet makes her naturally inclined towards becoming the heart of the party. A Libran woman enjoys no other success in her life – social, academic and professional if her romantic life is somehow disturbed.
Sexually a Libran is the child of the planet of passion. She has no option but to be good in bed. She is a natural lover – gentle yet fiery. A Libran woman, belonging to the cardinal category, has the sexual appeal strong enough to hook any guy she really wishes to be be with. Rita Hayworth once said that "Every man I've ever known has fallen in love with Gilda and wakened with me." Such is the Libran's magnetic appeal. Most importantly, a Libran enjoys a physical rendezvous most when in love. Not that she doesn't relish it otherwise. After all the Libran actress Carie Fisher admitted that, "I'm fond of kissing. It's part of my job. God sent me down to kiss a lot of people." But she optimally savors it when with a person she is actually in love with. That's who she is. She might feel shy but always do her best to fulfill all your naughty fantasies. Believe me, when a Libran makes love, her sole intention is to satisfy her partner. But, by nature the female scale-bearer is initially a little shy and goes further into her cocoon if she doesn't get any responses from her partner. She needs that assurance that her efforts are actually being noticed and appreciated. So, you as man need to keep this factor in mind even though your girl is an innate coquette and usually knows her moves. Just help her to shed that inhibition and you shall then see how high the sparks fly!
Given her affinity for beauty, she will keep the house 'five-star hotel' clean and exquisitely decorated with vintage crockery on the table and classic paintings adorning the walls. But there is a rather distinctive Libra characteristic that you should acquaint yourself with. One of the major negative Libra woman characteristics include her swings from the manic to the depressive states and vice versa. In her manic stage, a Libran will not sit for a second. She'll scrub the bottom of the sink in the middle of the night if required. She will not stop until there is nothing else to sweep, iron, straighten or arrange. But this will be invariably followed by the depressive stage when she will suddenly plonk down on the bed and refuse to remove even a hair from her face. She will do nothing really until her body completely rejuvenates and feels fresh again. Things may pile up and cob webs may spring up around her but she won't exercise a muscle until she regains her vitality. So, you should be prepared as the man of the house as her moods dip to do the chores yourself.
Read more on Libra man in love.
The Female Libran: Mother
Female Libra characteristics make these people extremely gentle mothers whose issues are taken care of well. But in spite of the friendly relationship a Libran mother tries to forge with her children, she can be rather firm when they step over the line. She teaches her children to respect their father above everybody else and loses her calm if they disobey him. A Libran woman also allows the father to take responsibility of the grooming of the kids. She never interferes or saves them when the dad is a little strict with them. But yes, she does comfort and supports them when she feels that their point of view has not been taken into consideration. All in all, she loves her pampers her children but all in due moderation.
The Female Libran: Professional
Most Libran women have a professional life both before and after they tie the knot, mostly to fulfill their sybaritic needs. They are pretty sincere workers but hate to be ordered about irrationally. They are extremely fast learner's and grasp even alien concepts faster than most other sun sign's. But even professionally they often succumb to their manic-depressive phases. They will happily skip their lunch-breaks and slog on Sundays when in the frenzied stage.
The characteristics of Libra zodiac push them towards creative and artistic professions. A lot of painters, actors, authors are Librans. But they also work excellently in teams, given their love for partnerships. Because of their analytical nature, Librans are excellent risk analysts.
However, whatever may be the profession, Libran women are even "disorganized in the most organized way" as my friend once put it. They have to have a suitable and comfortable zone to work in which they will most definitely personalize. They need to have spacious and well ventilated work stations, which could be psychological given that they belong to the air element. Even at home most Librans sleep with the windows wide open. Libran woman are also slightly eccentric so they tend to display specific conditions to yield constructive results at time. But, believe me they are workers who do not mind improvising and often fishes out the most creative way to re-morph a clichéd idea for presenting it for the 100th time.
So there you have all the possible avatars of a Libran female. As humans, Librans have their pitfalls, but they are committed and loyal, like most women from other signs, working their magic in their unique style, taking help from their specifically designed female Libra characteristics. So go ahead and rise in her love as she gives you the top spot in her heart.
By Ankana Dey Choudhury