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Weekend again!

Why am I easy going angry??
Really today I'm not in good mood. From the morning when just arrived at office, boss gave huge work. Today is saturday, half day office but gave me so many things to do and told that have to finish. Atleast I aslo finished some works now. Still have one work remain. But Now I don't like to do it because it's my lunch time now. But I haven't had lunch yet, just had a quarell with my dad in mind, he is not my real dad, but I think he is. I know today I made him angry. I'm sorry daddy.
I'm going to have lunch after some minutes then will back at work. Then will arrange my music blog, it's mess now I think :)
What will I do this evening?? When other girls in my age they are enjoy happy time with their boyfriends. And me?? After office time I will go to market buy some food then come home cook for dinner, have dinner with sister and brother, then will do some homeworks.
Yes, doing my homeworks. Yesterday evening at digital class, I was happy because I went on board and did exercise well, I like to learn this subject.
Tomorrow morning I don't have class so I will wake up late ^_^ . I love my bed so will not leave it early morning special on sunday. Then will do some houseworks, prepare for lunch, have lunch, take nap. Then afternoon, will go to my pupil's house to teach her. then back home.
Oh, my god, what is my weekend?? so boring :(
That why I don't have weekend.
But I wish all you have a great weekend. Don't have weekend like me.

Keys to Successful Winning Relationships - Tip #2

TIP #2

CHOICES - decisions that we can control

My Father says, "I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance."
Life is a matter of choice, not a matter of chance. Relationships are made of choices. A relationship is made and kept as long as you decide that you have one. Your future is a thing to be achieved made of the choices that you make today, and each choice leads to a consequence. Each consequence is one strand in the fabric of our lives; therefore, I cannot blame others or events for what happens to me, since I am the weaver of the fabric that makes up my life. Others can only take from us what we are willing to relinquish.

Indecision, not having courage to make a choice, is a great enemy in many lives. Indecision steals opportunity and chances for a better future. This enemy must be annihilated by allowing courage to come forth and make a choice. We can choose to let situations and difficulties, however severe, take our life, our joy, our peace from us, or, we can choose to rise above it, however difficult the choice may be.

Your life is all about the choices and determinations that you make every day. You do have choices. You can choose to be guided through life by a purpose that feeds you and gives you abundant life, or, you can be driven by wrong choices made by bad attitudes, low self-esteem, loneliness, resentment and anger, FEAR, need for approval, materialism, and so the list goes on and on and on. Wrong choices are sometimes driven by our need for an excuse.

Some people have difficulty with the fact that we are responsible for what happens to us. Once we accept the fact that we create what happens to us and accept responsibility for the choices we make, we can then begin to make the most of our lives. For example, no one chooses to become obese, but many choose to eat the wrong foods; therefore, we suffer the consequences of our actions.

Another example, many people do not "choose" to be poor, but, by choosing to spend more than they earn, not choosing to set money aside for emergencies, choosing to waste money on unnecessary things, brings us back to the fact that we must live with the consequences of our choices.

Many times we stick our heads in the sand, like an orstrich, waiting for "things" to happen so that we don't personally have to make a choice. Sadly, we do not realize that we DID make a choice when we choice NOT to decide by burying our heads in the sand.

We MUST forget past mistakes made by wrong choices, and then, most importantly, FORGIVE ourselves and others. Since today is all that we have, we can be empowered by the fact that we can begin a new chapter in our lives with a positive attitude and by making choices that will be for our good and the good of our family and others around us.

Our Father did not put us here to forsake us. He is with us to help us make wise decisions if we will only ASK Him for help. It is up to us to be happy, grateful, joyful, at peace, gracious and kind, forgiving, loving...let us begin today a beautiful future walking in abundance by making RIGHT CHOICES. Choose wisely!

Stay tuned for TIP #3 :>)

Keys to Successful Winning Relationships - Tip #1

A leter from Reba Beard to me
Hi Van


...and you ask,"just how do I do that?" Good Question! Life is all about relationships, but, before we can have a successful relationship with others, we MUST get to the place where we are at peace with ourselves and happy with who we were created to be. There are many factors to consider that have gotten us to the place where we are now in life.

As we begin this journey towards having successful winning relationships with others, let us start by looking at some areas in our own lives that perhaps need a little fine-tuning. When we look within ourselves, something happens inside of us. This can be the beginning of change that we so desire in our lives.

Here are the TIPS that I promised you!

TIP #1:

ATTITUDE - a state of mind or a feeling; disposition

My Father says "...be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."
Attitude is everything and is truly one area of life that no one else can control but YOU. Having the right attitude is one of the basics that success requires. Life happens, every day, but the way that you respond to how life treats you is totally determined by you. The process of human change must begin within you.

We hear the terms "positive attitude" or "negagive attitude", but the truth is, we live our lives in one of those two arenas. This is a choice that we make for ourselves every day. Every aspect of our lives is determined by our attitude and the choices that we make daily. With each situation that comes our way, whether good or bad, we choose to rise above it,or we let it bring us down by the way that we allow our feelings to control us. We must learn to control our feelings and not allow our feelings to control us. Caring about ourselves means accepting full responsibility for our own feelings.

Our lives are largely shaped by our attitude. For instance, if we feel that we are not being heard or accepted by others, this could lead to problems with anger. If we have a history of being belitted by others, this could lead to problems with low self-esteem. Loneliness and isolation can lead to fear of rejection by others. And the list goes on.

We must always remember that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made". If we really desire to change, look up, and take each moment as a beginning. We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, take this moment that we are given - moment by moment, not day by day or week by week. We determine to have a positive attitude about our situations in life, however difficult, one step at the time.

It is extremely important that we allow the COURAGE that is deep within us to rise to the top, which will allow us to make changes that we need to make from within. So, pull from within the courage that you need to walk forward with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE! You CAN do it - one step at the time.

Thanks, and keep watching for TIP #2.

Here's to your success!
Warmest Regards,

Reba Beard
Successful Winning Relationships