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How to Date an Older Guy

Okay girls--you know we all like older "men", and why is that? Because they are more mature than "boys" our age. The problem is, while you like your older guys because of their maturity, they might be annoyed with your lack of maturity. Here are some general rules you have to know if you don't want to drive your guy crazy!


  1. Call him no more than once a day. If you call him and talk for a little while, then he says he has to go...let him. Tell him to call you back later, or ask him if he wants you to call him back. If he says to call him back, ask for a time. Then call 15 to 30 minutes after that time. You don't want it to seem like you've been watching the clock, waiting for 6:00:00 to roll around.

  2. Be considerate of his time - don't monopolize it! Say he goes to school, like college, and works nights, don't try to talk to him for that hour of available time every day. He has other friends he needs to talk to. Limit it to every other day, or maybe every three days, if he doesn't have much time.

  3. Give him his guy-time. If he has plans with anyone else, don't invite yourself along. Maybe casually mention, "Well, what if I came with you?", and if he shrugs it off at all or, kind of, seems like he would rather not, just wait for another night.

  4. Save the messing around until AFTER you are married. Having sex with a guy or messing around with him at all does not make him like you more, the same way it makes you like him more. If you do mess around with him he'll start seeing you as a toy, and the relationship will never go anywhere.
  5. Avoid saying "I love you" too soon. It'll freak him out! Now if they say it first, okay, but never say it too soon. You'll know when it is the right time - trust your gut!


  • Don't play games, older men have had them all played on them. They know the tricks and they don't put up with them.

  • Older men expect you to behave like adults. That means having your own money and paying for yourself or at least offering. If you don't they'll believe you're just after the money.

  • Be honest with him with as much as possible. If you get caught lying accept responsibly and apologize. This will show him how mature for your age you really are.
  • Watch out for the older guys that just want to take advantage of a younger girl. If you mess around every time you hang out and you never just sit together and talk (phone doesn't count), then chances are he's just using you for action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a question.