My Father says, "You are fearfully and wonderfully made!"
As we are looking deep within ourselves, let us ask ourselves this question, "Do I like who I am? Do I really love whom I was created to be?" It is so important to accept the truth about your emotions and how you perceive your life. Our thoughts and attitudes create our emotions, which in turn includes self-acceptance, self-love, self-confidence, self-respect, and other attributes.
My way of thinking about who I am either allows me to live in a positive world or a negative world, and this by MY choice. Where I hang my hat today all depends upon me.
There are many factors in your past that have helped you form the opinion that you have of yourself today. For example, you may have a family member that was always telling you that you were not good enough, or you were stupid, or you could not do this or achieve that; therefore, over time you came to believe these things were true about yourself. Or,on the other hand, this same family member, instead of tearing down your self-esteem, was daily building you up by telling you how smart or how wonderful and beautiful you are, or encouraging you with the words, "you can do it!" These are two extremes, but so prevalent in this day and time.
We need to realize that our mental response is a very powerful tool. If we cannot change something, we can change the way that we think about it. You cannot change your past or the family into which you were born, but, you do have the power to accept the reality that you were truly "fearfully and wonderfully made". You need to open the door to reality, step over the threshold of uncertainty, and allow your soul to soar out into the beautiful world that God created for you to so richly enjoy. Destroy that demon of FEAR and GO!! By accepting reality you are taking responsibility for your life. Accept yourself right where you are and start climbing! Yes, there will be battles, but you CAN do it!
Acceptance gives us a feeling of dealing with the situation and we gain control over our lives once again. The only person who is in charge of your feelings and emotions is you. Many times we like to make ourselves feel better by putting blame on others, when in reality, we are where we are because of the choices that we have made.
Many people, despite a sincere attempt to change, give up trying and return to their old ways. The main reason was they expected to see changes overnight, expecting too much, too soon. Remember, we did not get to this point overnight; therefore, we must give ourselves time and accept our small achievements today.
Let us stand tall, look Truth in the face - not fear, realize the beauty that is within us, and perservere with a happy attitude with the thought that "I really CAN do it!! I know who I am and only I have the ability to change and accept the person within me."
Only YOU have the power to metamorphose into that beautiful butterfly that you long to become, and with the help of the Father, YOU REALLY CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!
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