Chinese Zodiac Pig
Contrary to its rather negative reputation in the West, the Pig of Chinese Astrology may be the most generous and honorable Sign of the Zodiac. Pigs are nice to a fault and possess impeccable manners and taste. They have so much of the perfectionist in them that others may be inclined to perceive them as snobs, but this is a misconception. Pigs are simply possessed of a truly luxurious nature, one that delights in finery and riches (in surroundings, food, lovemaking and otherwise). This Sign believes in the best qualities of mankind and certainly doesn't consider itself to be superior. Pigs also care a great deal about friends and family and work hard to keep everyone in their life happy. Helping others is a true pleasure for the Pig, who feels best when everyone else is smiling.
A Pig with no one around to appreciate its giving nature is a sad sight. Pigs are so magnanimous they can appear almost saintly; this can lead some less-than-well-intentioned souls to stomp all over this Sign, and the bad news is, the Pig will take the blows! Pigs make great companions in part because of their refusal to see the more negative or base qualities in a partner, but that rose-colored view can lead to this Sign's allowing itself to be taken advantage of. Contrary to their seemingly benign dispositions, however, Pigs can be quite venomous in response to being crossed by a lover, friend or business partner.
Pigs are highly intelligent creatures, forever studying, playing and probing in their quest for greater knowledge. They can be misinterpreted as being lazy, however, due to their love of reveling in the good stuff; this Sign could happily spend hours on end making love, napping, taking a long bubble bath or dallying over an incredible spread of rich foods. Pigs tend to make wonderful life partners due to their hearts of gold and their love of family. Even so, Pigs can be rather exclusive, choosing to spend time with those who will appreciate them most and ignore the rest of the populace. Pigs would do well to realize that there's more to life than being needed. When they open up their world to a diverse group of people, they will truly bloom.
A Pig with no one around to appreciate its giving nature is a sad sight. Pigs are so magnanimous they can appear almost saintly; this can lead some less-than-well-intentioned souls to stomp all over this Sign, and the bad news is, the Pig will take the blows! Pigs make great companions in part because of their refusal to see the more negative or base qualities in a partner, but that rose-colored view can lead to this Sign's allowing itself to be taken advantage of. Contrary to their seemingly benign dispositions, however, Pigs can be quite venomous in response to being crossed by a lover, friend or business partner.
Pigs are highly intelligent creatures, forever studying, playing and probing in their quest for greater knowledge. They can be misinterpreted as being lazy, however, due to their love of reveling in the good stuff; this Sign could happily spend hours on end making love, napping, taking a long bubble bath or dallying over an incredible spread of rich foods. Pigs tend to make wonderful life partners due to their hearts of gold and their love of family. Even so, Pigs can be rather exclusive, choosing to spend time with those who will appreciate them most and ignore the rest of the populace. Pigs would do well to realize that there's more to life than being needed. When they open up their world to a diverse group of people, they will truly bloom.
Chinese Zodiac Dog
In the West, the Dog is man's best friend, but in Chinese Astrology this Sign is a little more unpredictable than that. Dogs are loyal, faithful and honest and always stick to their firm codes of ethics. However, this Sign has trouble trusting others. It's generally quite trustworthy itself -- except for the occasional little white lies the Dog tells in order to make things go more smoothly. The Dog makes a wonderful, discreet and loyal friend (despite any white lies) and is an excellent listener. This Sign tends to root for the underdog and its keen sense of right and wrong makes it duty-bound to the core. The Dog's mantra seems to be, Live right, look out for the little people and fight injustice whenever possible.
Dogs can also be rather dogmatic, too. They don't go in for light social banter; instead, they go straight for home, expostulating on the topics that are most important to them. At these times the Dog's narrow-minded or stubborn side can become apparent; this Sign has trouble staying light and calm when an important issue is at stake. This Sign can also be very temperamental; mood swings characterize its emotional life and often the Dog needs to run off to be alone in order to recuperate. Part of the problem is the result of this Sign's load of irrational fears that turn into niggling anxieties that turn into hurt feelings and occasional grouchiness. This sensitive Sign needs to warm up to others over time and gradually learn to trust them. Without that trust as a foundation, Dogs can be judgmental and coarse.
The Dog's discerning nature does make it an excellent business person, one who can turn that picky, guarded nature into a keen sense of the truth of another's motives. Where love is concerned, Dogs often have a tough time finding the right match. They can be so anxious and overwrought in the romance dance that they'll stress their partner to the max! In any forum, this Sign is happiest when able to be quite physically active; at home or at work, the Dog will always be constructing something new or cleaning something up in order to make things better. Dogs need to work on controlling their irrational worries and would also be well-served to relax their mile-high standards, which can sometimes wind up alienating the ones they love
Dogs can also be rather dogmatic, too. They don't go in for light social banter; instead, they go straight for home, expostulating on the topics that are most important to them. At these times the Dog's narrow-minded or stubborn side can become apparent; this Sign has trouble staying light and calm when an important issue is at stake. This Sign can also be very temperamental; mood swings characterize its emotional life and often the Dog needs to run off to be alone in order to recuperate. Part of the problem is the result of this Sign's load of irrational fears that turn into niggling anxieties that turn into hurt feelings and occasional grouchiness. This sensitive Sign needs to warm up to others over time and gradually learn to trust them. Without that trust as a foundation, Dogs can be judgmental and coarse.
The Dog's discerning nature does make it an excellent business person, one who can turn that picky, guarded nature into a keen sense of the truth of another's motives. Where love is concerned, Dogs often have a tough time finding the right match. They can be so anxious and overwrought in the romance dance that they'll stress their partner to the max! In any forum, this Sign is happiest when able to be quite physically active; at home or at work, the Dog will always be constructing something new or cleaning something up in order to make things better. Dogs need to work on controlling their irrational worries and would also be well-served to relax their mile-high standards, which can sometimes wind up alienating the ones they love
Chinese Zodiac Rooster
The Rooster is the strutting peacock of the Chinese Zodiac! These quick thinkers are practical and resourceful, preferring to stick to what is tried and true rather than taking messy, unnecessary risks. Roosters are keenly observant. It's hard to slip anything past a Rooster, since they seem to have eyes in the backs of their heads! This quality can lead others to think the Rooster is psychic, but that's not generally the case; instead, this Sign enjoys a keen attention to detail that makes it a whiz at anything requiring close analysis. Roosters make great lawyers, brain surgeons and accountants, to name a few of this Sign's possible occupations. Above all else, the Rooster is very straightforward and rewards others' honesty in kind.
Roosters aren't shifty or cagey and have no interest in hiding behind a facade. They are the proverbial open book, telling the truth and keeping their word. If you show your hand, the Rooster will respect you for it. This kind of trusting behavior can tempt tricksters to pull a fast one on the Rooster, but that would be a bad move! Remember, this Sign doesn't indulge in flights of fancy and keeps those eyes wide open at all times.
Roosters tend to be perfectionists and expect to be in control, especially over their appearance. Primping and posing for the Rooster can go on forever! Being noticed and admired is an aphrodisiac for Roosters, and they can go a long time on a few kind words. Roosters also adore being out on the town, especially if they're in the company of adoring friends. The Rooster will also be the best-dressed one of the bunch -- style counts with this Sign, regardless of the cost.
Roosters also expect to be in control of their surroundings, including whoever happens to be in those surroundings. Roosters keep an impeccably neat house and expect their lovers, housemates and family members to maintain the same high standards of dress and conduct as they do. This can cause problems with other, more relaxed types who just want to be accepted as is. The Rooster needs the right partner, one who understands this Sign's basically conservative nature. With the right person, the Rooster can be the most loyal, trusting and supportive mate around, one who bends over backward to please its loved ones. Some Signs may just end up feeling hen-pecked, however.
Roosters need to learn to value their heart and soul as much as their good looks. Their excellent people skills and sharp minds are qualities that others will appreciate as much as a pretty face. This Sign would also do well to learn to adopt the philosophy of live and let live; perhaps an appeal to the Rooster's logic -- that it's inefficient to waste time nagging others -- will help this Sign learn to let others be whomever and however they are.
Roosters aren't shifty or cagey and have no interest in hiding behind a facade. They are the proverbial open book, telling the truth and keeping their word. If you show your hand, the Rooster will respect you for it. This kind of trusting behavior can tempt tricksters to pull a fast one on the Rooster, but that would be a bad move! Remember, this Sign doesn't indulge in flights of fancy and keeps those eyes wide open at all times.
Roosters tend to be perfectionists and expect to be in control, especially over their appearance. Primping and posing for the Rooster can go on forever! Being noticed and admired is an aphrodisiac for Roosters, and they can go a long time on a few kind words. Roosters also adore being out on the town, especially if they're in the company of adoring friends. The Rooster will also be the best-dressed one of the bunch -- style counts with this Sign, regardless of the cost.
Roosters also expect to be in control of their surroundings, including whoever happens to be in those surroundings. Roosters keep an impeccably neat house and expect their lovers, housemates and family members to maintain the same high standards of dress and conduct as they do. This can cause problems with other, more relaxed types who just want to be accepted as is. The Rooster needs the right partner, one who understands this Sign's basically conservative nature. With the right person, the Rooster can be the most loyal, trusting and supportive mate around, one who bends over backward to please its loved ones. Some Signs may just end up feeling hen-pecked, however.
Roosters need to learn to value their heart and soul as much as their good looks. Their excellent people skills and sharp minds are qualities that others will appreciate as much as a pretty face. This Sign would also do well to learn to adopt the philosophy of live and let live; perhaps an appeal to the Rooster's logic -- that it's inefficient to waste time nagging others -- will help this Sign learn to let others be whomever and however they are.
Chinese Zodiac Monkey
The spunky Monkey is the original party animal! Charming and energetic, Monkeys crave fun, activity and stimulation. They truly know how to have a good time and can often be seen swinging from one group of friends to another, attracting a motley crew in the process. Always upbeat, they are considered minor celebrities in their circle thanks to their sparkling wit and that rapier-sharp mind. Perhaps surprisingly, Monkeys are also good listeners and tackle complicated situations with ease. This Sign's natural curiosity lends it the desire to become knowledgeable on a broad range of topics. Monkeys have a show-off side that loves nothing more than to dazzle their pals with all they know.
The Monkey tends to be rather accident-prone due to a certain lack of very high morals. This Sign's first interest is pursuing its own pleasure; this is not a malicious interest, it's just the way the Monkey is. However, this kind of carefree self-involvement can lead to all kinds of scrapes. In love, the Monkey makes a fun, exciting lover -- but one that may have the potential to stray romantically. The good news is, the Monkey’s glib manner and witty repartee can often get this Sign out of a scrape. Perhaps not everyone will be won over by the Monkey -- but do you think the Monkey really cares? The Monkey's world, full of devil-may-care energy and revelry, isn't for everyone. Remember, though, it's not that this Sign is mean; it might just be a bit too curious for its own good. Monkeys often feel the need to try everything at least once, which can make for a merry-go-round of relationships.
The Monkey's love of self-indulgence can also lead to other types of trouble. This Sign may have limited self-control concerning food, alcohol and other pleasurable activities. It's party time all the time for the Monkey, yet when it leads to a monster hangover or a shattered heart (generally someone else's, not theirs), this Sign might actually show a touch of remorse. They won't flat-out admit the error of their ways, but at least they'll pull back and try to tone things down -- for a while.
Monkeys must try to learn to think of others ahead of themselves, at least some of the time. This Sign's world will be more complete once it realizes the world doesn't revolve around it.
The Monkey tends to be rather accident-prone due to a certain lack of very high morals. This Sign's first interest is pursuing its own pleasure; this is not a malicious interest, it's just the way the Monkey is. However, this kind of carefree self-involvement can lead to all kinds of scrapes. In love, the Monkey makes a fun, exciting lover -- but one that may have the potential to stray romantically. The good news is, the Monkey’s glib manner and witty repartee can often get this Sign out of a scrape. Perhaps not everyone will be won over by the Monkey -- but do you think the Monkey really cares? The Monkey's world, full of devil-may-care energy and revelry, isn't for everyone. Remember, though, it's not that this Sign is mean; it might just be a bit too curious for its own good. Monkeys often feel the need to try everything at least once, which can make for a merry-go-round of relationships.
The Monkey's love of self-indulgence can also lead to other types of trouble. This Sign may have limited self-control concerning food, alcohol and other pleasurable activities. It's party time all the time for the Monkey, yet when it leads to a monster hangover or a shattered heart (generally someone else's, not theirs), this Sign might actually show a touch of remorse. They won't flat-out admit the error of their ways, but at least they'll pull back and try to tone things down -- for a while.
Monkeys must try to learn to think of others ahead of themselves, at least some of the time. This Sign's world will be more complete once it realizes the world doesn't revolve around it.
Chinese Zodiac Sheep
Daydreaming all afternoon sounds heavenly to the Sheep. This creative, esoteric Sign needs plenty of time alone in which to feed its Muse. Sheep are generally most comfortable in their own minds (which other, more linear-thinking Signs may have trouble deciphering). This Sign makes a great craftsperson or artisan, or perhaps a teacher of New Age studies -- any occupation that allows its mind the full range of freedom. Sheep tend not to be very well-organized, precluding many more dry business endeavors. In fact, Sheep tend not to be very materialistic in general, finding plenty of riches in their own imagination. However, especially when in love, the Sheep can be quite a lavish gift-giver.
Perhaps it's that artistic temperament that so often causes Sheep to feel insecure, but the result is that these high-strung creatures need to feel loved and admired lest they start worrying incessantly. For this reason, Sheep tend to have a hard time with romance; anyone who couples up with a Sheep must know, this Sign has a sensitive streak a mile wide and can be subject to bouts of anxiety over seemingly inconsequential things. Sheep need plenty of love, support and open reassurance from their lovers. If a relationship is marked by conflict, the Sheep will often pull away -- either physically or simply by retreating into the safe haven of its imagination.
If the romance is going well, however, Sheep won't hesitate to tell their partner what they need -- and they can be quite insistent about it! This Sign will definitely return the favor, however; the Sheep has a luxurious side that delights in indulging a lover's every wish. Appearances are also important to the Sheep, which may explain why these folks can spend hours primping and posing.
Sheep would be well-served by learning to relax and let others run the show from time to time. Once they can be certain that their friends and lovers won't be gone when the Sheep returns from its daydreams, life will be a field of daisies.
Perhaps it's that artistic temperament that so often causes Sheep to feel insecure, but the result is that these high-strung creatures need to feel loved and admired lest they start worrying incessantly. For this reason, Sheep tend to have a hard time with romance; anyone who couples up with a Sheep must know, this Sign has a sensitive streak a mile wide and can be subject to bouts of anxiety over seemingly inconsequential things. Sheep need plenty of love, support and open reassurance from their lovers. If a relationship is marked by conflict, the Sheep will often pull away -- either physically or simply by retreating into the safe haven of its imagination.
If the romance is going well, however, Sheep won't hesitate to tell their partner what they need -- and they can be quite insistent about it! This Sign will definitely return the favor, however; the Sheep has a luxurious side that delights in indulging a lover's every wish. Appearances are also important to the Sheep, which may explain why these folks can spend hours primping and posing.
Sheep would be well-served by learning to relax and let others run the show from time to time. Once they can be certain that their friends and lovers won't be gone when the Sheep returns from its daydreams, life will be a field of daisies.
Chinese Zodiac Horse
Thank goodness for open spaces, because the Horse needs plenty of room to roam! Energetic, good with money and very fond of travel, Horses are the nomads of the Chinese Zodiac, roaming from one place or project to the next. All of this Sign's incessant activity and searching may be to satisfy a deep-rooted desire to fit in. Paradoxically, Horses feel a simultaneous yearning for independence and freedom.
Horses crave love and intimacy, which is a double-edged sword since it often leads them to feel trapped. Love connections tend to come easily to Horses, since they exude the kind of raw sex appeal that is a magnet to others. This Sign tends to come on very strong in the beginning of the relationship, having an almost innate sense of romance and seduction. Horses are seducers in general; check out any A-list party and you're bound to find the Horse in attendance. This Sign possesses a sharp wit and a scintillating presence; it really knows how to work a crowd. Surprisingly, Horses tend to feel a bit inferior to their peers, a misconception that causes them to drift from group to group out of an irrational fear of being exposed as a fraud.
An impatient streak can lead Horses to be less than sensitive to others' needs. These colts would rather take a situation firmly in hand as opposed to waiting for others to weigh in or come to terms with it. The lone wolf inside the Horse can at times push others away, but this also makes this Sign stronger and is a key to its success. Horses are self-reliant and, though they might lose interest fast in a tedious, nine-to-five day job, are willing to do the work necessary to get ahead.
Horses tend not to look much at the big picture; instead they just follow their whims, which can result in a trail of prematurely ended relationships, jobs, projects and so on. This Sign really knows how to motivate others, though, and get a lot accomplished. Once they find some peace within themselves, they can curb their wandering tendencies and learn to appreciate what's in their own backyard.
Horses crave love and intimacy, which is a double-edged sword since it often leads them to feel trapped. Love connections tend to come easily to Horses, since they exude the kind of raw sex appeal that is a magnet to others. This Sign tends to come on very strong in the beginning of the relationship, having an almost innate sense of romance and seduction. Horses are seducers in general; check out any A-list party and you're bound to find the Horse in attendance. This Sign possesses a sharp wit and a scintillating presence; it really knows how to work a crowd. Surprisingly, Horses tend to feel a bit inferior to their peers, a misconception that causes them to drift from group to group out of an irrational fear of being exposed as a fraud.
An impatient streak can lead Horses to be less than sensitive to others' needs. These colts would rather take a situation firmly in hand as opposed to waiting for others to weigh in or come to terms with it. The lone wolf inside the Horse can at times push others away, but this also makes this Sign stronger and is a key to its success. Horses are self-reliant and, though they might lose interest fast in a tedious, nine-to-five day job, are willing to do the work necessary to get ahead.
Horses tend not to look much at the big picture; instead they just follow their whims, which can result in a trail of prematurely ended relationships, jobs, projects and so on. This Sign really knows how to motivate others, though, and get a lot accomplished. Once they find some peace within themselves, they can curb their wandering tendencies and learn to appreciate what's in their own backyard.
Chinese Zodiac Snake
Diplomatic and popular, the Snake has the sensual art of seduction down. This Sign is an interesting mix of gregariousness paired with introversion, intuitive reasoning paired with savvy business skills. Snakes are considered to be lucky with money and will generally have more than enough to live life to the fullest, regardless of how important it considers money to be; this may be due to the fact that Snakes tend to be rather tight with cash. They're not stingy, they're simply more mentally than physically active. Snakes tend to hang back a bit in order to analyze a situation before jumping into it. Their charming, seductive quality actually belies a rather retiring nature; this Sign is perfectly happy to spend the whole day curled up with a good book and, thus, can be mislabeled as being lazy.
The Snake is somewhat insecure deep down and tend to be a rather jealous, possessive lover, behavior that can end up alienating loved ones. Despite these less-than-stellar tendencies, however, the Snake often proves irresistible and is a generous, loving partner. Slightly dangerous and disarmingly smart, the Snake's philosophical and intuitive mind generally supersedes logic in favor of feelings and instinct. Snakes will rely on their own gut reactions and intuitions before turning to others for suggestions. This makes this Sign a great hand in any business venture, possessing the caution and smarts needed to get ahead.
Snakes are hard workers (when they see good reason to be!) and are possessed of a keen intelligence. Snakes have incredible follow-through, once they get going, and they expect the same from others. Thus, their coworkers and employees had best stay on their toes, lest they anger the Snake and suffer its poisonous bite!
In general, of course, Snakes are generous and genteel, charming and appealing. Snakes must try to learn humility and to develop a stronger sense of self. Once Snakes realize that confidence comes from within, they will finally be comfortable in their own skin.
The Snake is somewhat insecure deep down and tend to be a rather jealous, possessive lover, behavior that can end up alienating loved ones. Despite these less-than-stellar tendencies, however, the Snake often proves irresistible and is a generous, loving partner. Slightly dangerous and disarmingly smart, the Snake's philosophical and intuitive mind generally supersedes logic in favor of feelings and instinct. Snakes will rely on their own gut reactions and intuitions before turning to others for suggestions. This makes this Sign a great hand in any business venture, possessing the caution and smarts needed to get ahead.
Snakes are hard workers (when they see good reason to be!) and are possessed of a keen intelligence. Snakes have incredible follow-through, once they get going, and they expect the same from others. Thus, their coworkers and employees had best stay on their toes, lest they anger the Snake and suffer its poisonous bite!
In general, of course, Snakes are generous and genteel, charming and appealing. Snakes must try to learn humility and to develop a stronger sense of self. Once Snakes realize that confidence comes from within, they will finally be comfortable in their own skin.
Chinese Zodiac Dragon
The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart makes the Dragon's brash, fiery energy far more palatable. This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charming charisma that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations. This Sign is truly blessed, too; Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love! The Dragon's friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor.
Its ego can get in the Dragon's way, but even so, this larger-than-life creature has a knack for initiating projects and keeping the troops motivated. According to Dragons, it's their natural born right to lead the way -- because who else could do it so surely and so well? As lucky as they are, Dragons have a good chance of achieving considerable material wealth during their lifetimes, although it isn't mere money that's this Sign's main motivation. Power is what the Dragon wants and truly believes it deserves. Dragons are quite the opportunists, forever searching for ways in which to consolidate their considerable power. Contrary to all this strength and fire, a weakened Dragon is a sad sack, a creature that refuses to take defeat with even a modicum of grace.
The role of leader is the only one the Dragon wants, the better from which to give orders and be king of the hill. They make solid leaders, too, knowing instinctively what needs to be done to stay on top. Crossing the Dragon is never a good idea -- this beast can singe! A valuable life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. Being high and mighty can serve to inspire others, but it also keeps Dragons from living their lives to the fullest. If Dragons can learn to balance their quest for success with an appreciation for the little things, their life will be more than worthwhile.
Its ego can get in the Dragon's way, but even so, this larger-than-life creature has a knack for initiating projects and keeping the troops motivated. According to Dragons, it's their natural born right to lead the way -- because who else could do it so surely and so well? As lucky as they are, Dragons have a good chance of achieving considerable material wealth during their lifetimes, although it isn't mere money that's this Sign's main motivation. Power is what the Dragon wants and truly believes it deserves. Dragons are quite the opportunists, forever searching for ways in which to consolidate their considerable power. Contrary to all this strength and fire, a weakened Dragon is a sad sack, a creature that refuses to take defeat with even a modicum of grace.
The role of leader is the only one the Dragon wants, the better from which to give orders and be king of the hill. They make solid leaders, too, knowing instinctively what needs to be done to stay on top. Crossing the Dragon is never a good idea -- this beast can singe! A valuable life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. Being high and mighty can serve to inspire others, but it also keeps Dragons from living their lives to the fullest. If Dragons can learn to balance their quest for success with an appreciation for the little things, their life will be more than worthwhile.
Chinese Zodiac Rabbit
Timid and attractive, the Rabbits of the Chinese Zodiac tend to act more like bunnies, whether they like it or not! This Sign is extremely popular and has a wide circle of family and friends. Its compassionate nature leads it to be very protective of those it holds dear, but where romance is concerned, the Rabbit's sentimentality can lead it to idealize relationships. The sweet, sensitive Rabbit often ends up giving more of itself to a partner than is realistic or healthy. The good news is, when this Sign goes off-balance, the Rabbit's core group of friends and its stable home life help bring it back to center.
The Rabbit is a rather delicate Sign that needs a solid base in order to thrive. Lacking close, supportive friends and family, the Rabbit might just break down in tears at the first sign of conflict. Emotional upsets in this Sign's life can even lead to physical illnesses. Rabbits dislike arguments and other conflict and will try anything to avoid a fight; this results in something of a pushover nature. Rabbits can also lapse into pessimism and may seem stuck in life -- often to mask their insecure natures. Rabbits tend to move through life's lessons at their own, rather contemplative pace; it's a waste of time to become exasperated with this Sign's seeming disinterest in facing its problems and conquering them.
With the right partner -- meaning someone whose high principles won't allow it to take advantage of this sensitive, giving Sign -- the Rabbit can make an incredibly loving and protective partner or family member. Rabbits love to entertain at home and always make sure their house is comfortable and tastefully-furnished. What Rabbits need most is a stronger sense of self-worth and the security that comes with it. Their discerning natures, coupled with some hard-won assertiveness, will help these happy creatures go far.
The Rabbit is a rather delicate Sign that needs a solid base in order to thrive. Lacking close, supportive friends and family, the Rabbit might just break down in tears at the first sign of conflict. Emotional upsets in this Sign's life can even lead to physical illnesses. Rabbits dislike arguments and other conflict and will try anything to avoid a fight; this results in something of a pushover nature. Rabbits can also lapse into pessimism and may seem stuck in life -- often to mask their insecure natures. Rabbits tend to move through life's lessons at their own, rather contemplative pace; it's a waste of time to become exasperated with this Sign's seeming disinterest in facing its problems and conquering them.
With the right partner -- meaning someone whose high principles won't allow it to take advantage of this sensitive, giving Sign -- the Rabbit can make an incredibly loving and protective partner or family member. Rabbits love to entertain at home and always make sure their house is comfortable and tastefully-furnished. What Rabbits need most is a stronger sense of self-worth and the security that comes with it. Their discerning natures, coupled with some hard-won assertiveness, will help these happy creatures go far.
Chinese Zodiac Tiger
Tigers may not be the king of the jungle, but these striped cats are no softies! Magnetic and self-possessed, Tigers are born leaders. They have an air of authority that prompts others to fall in line, which is exactly how they like it. Although they are magnetically charming and fun to be around, Tigers like to go it alone sometimes too. A Tiger's main interest is in following its ambitions -- and maintaining control.
Tigers are courageous beyond compare and generally come out ahead in battle, be it in the boardroom or the bedroom. Seduction is one area where the Tiger is definitely king! Noble and warm-hearted, Tigers have a natural, raw appeal that's extremely attractive to other Signs. They're not just about attraction, though; ever on the side of right, Tigers will fight the good fight to the bitter end if the cause is worthy. Opponents are wise to fear this feline.
A bit of caution is a good thing around Tigers, since they can pounce without warning. They experience mood swings and often feel things more intensely than others, the latter quality being both good and bad. They can react poorly under stress and are prone to emotional outbursts. This Sign's bristling sensitivity can send friend and foe running for cover.
A lesson that Tigers would be well-served to learn is moderation in all things. Once these cats can find their center and direct their considerable energies toward worthwhile endeavors (as opposed to racing through life), they will accomplish much.
Tigers are courageous beyond compare and generally come out ahead in battle, be it in the boardroom or the bedroom. Seduction is one area where the Tiger is definitely king! Noble and warm-hearted, Tigers have a natural, raw appeal that's extremely attractive to other Signs. They're not just about attraction, though; ever on the side of right, Tigers will fight the good fight to the bitter end if the cause is worthy. Opponents are wise to fear this feline.
A bit of caution is a good thing around Tigers, since they can pounce without warning. They experience mood swings and often feel things more intensely than others, the latter quality being both good and bad. They can react poorly under stress and are prone to emotional outbursts. This Sign's bristling sensitivity can send friend and foe running for cover.
A lesson that Tigers would be well-served to learn is moderation in all things. Once these cats can find their center and direct their considerable energies toward worthwhile endeavors (as opposed to racing through life), they will accomplish much.
Chinese Zodiac OX
The Ox of Chinese Astrology is no bull in a china shop. Steadfast and solid, this powerful Sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. Oxen tend to be plodding and methodical; they approach projects in the step-by-step manner that serves them best, and they never lose sight of their goal. They are tireless workers who are detail-oriented and believe in doing things right the first time.
The world may perceive Oxen as being far too serious or incapable of loosening up. This sturdy sort is less than social by nature and tends to become introverted in a crowd. To make things worse, they can't be bothered with what other people think and prefer to do what makes them feel best. Behind that calm facade, though, lives an Ox who can feel hurt, lonely and unable to connect with others. Friends and family are a great source of comfort to this beast, even if they don't always understand what makes the Ox tick. As a lover, friend, family member or housemate, the Ox makes a wonderfully strong, tender and affectionate companion who is protective and always reliable.
Out in the world, though, Oxen tend to be stubborn, dogmatic, my-way-or-the-highway kind of people who have no concept of when to back down. Oxen don't care to be pushed, especially since they think they're the good guys of the Chinese Zodiac. There is some truth to that theory, since the Ox is smart, trustworthy, caring and honorable. If you need honest, steady and unbiased advice, call on the Ox.
A good lesson for mighty Oxen is to strive to overcome a judgmental nature that keeps them from getting close to others. If they can learn to value their own good qualities, they'll have more room in their hearts to invite others in.
The world may perceive Oxen as being far too serious or incapable of loosening up. This sturdy sort is less than social by nature and tends to become introverted in a crowd. To make things worse, they can't be bothered with what other people think and prefer to do what makes them feel best. Behind that calm facade, though, lives an Ox who can feel hurt, lonely and unable to connect with others. Friends and family are a great source of comfort to this beast, even if they don't always understand what makes the Ox tick. As a lover, friend, family member or housemate, the Ox makes a wonderfully strong, tender and affectionate companion who is protective and always reliable.
Out in the world, though, Oxen tend to be stubborn, dogmatic, my-way-or-the-highway kind of people who have no concept of when to back down. Oxen don't care to be pushed, especially since they think they're the good guys of the Chinese Zodiac. There is some truth to that theory, since the Ox is smart, trustworthy, caring and honorable. If you need honest, steady and unbiased advice, call on the Ox.
A good lesson for mighty Oxen is to strive to overcome a judgmental nature that keeps them from getting close to others. If they can learn to value their own good qualities, they'll have more room in their hearts to invite others in.
Chinese Zodiac Rat
Though the Western rat is reviled as little more than a bottom-dwelling disease carrier, this animal is viewed much differently in the East. The Eastern rat is revered for its quick wits and its ability to accrue and hold on to items of value; rats are considered a symbol of good luck and wealth in both China and Japan. Clever and quick-witted, the Rat of the Chinese Zodiac is utterly disarming to boot. Possessed of excellent taste, this Sign flaunts its style at every turn. Its natural charm and sharp, funny demeanor make it an appealing friend for almost anyone. The Rat likes to know who is on its side and will treat its most loyal friends with an extra measure of protection and generosity.
Behind that sweet smile, though, Rats are keen and unapologetic promoters of their own agendas. This Sign is motivated by its own interests, which often include money; greed can become a problem if the Rat isn't careful to keep its priorities straight. This Sign's natural powers of charm and persuasion can definitely come in handy! Although they are often hoarders, Rats can be very generous to those in their pack, namely friends and family members who have proven their loyalty. Others might perceive them as quick-tempered and sharp-tongued, but never boorish. Verbal jousting is a great pleasure for the Rat, a Sign that everyone around will quickly learn either to love or to hate.
Rats enjoy being on the outside looking in, as the outside affords a view into the inner workings of a system or situation. The Rat's keen mind always seeks out new knowledge, to be stored away for future use. This ever-curious Sign also welcomes challenges as a way to stay sharp. If boredom sets in the Rat is no fun at all, but that isn't likely; this Sign knows how to keep itself entertained.
A valuable lesson for Rats is to learn to consider others above themselves, at least sometimes. If they can develop their sense of self and realize it leaves room for others in their life as well, Rats could find true happiness.
Behind that sweet smile, though, Rats are keen and unapologetic promoters of their own agendas. This Sign is motivated by its own interests, which often include money; greed can become a problem if the Rat isn't careful to keep its priorities straight. This Sign's natural powers of charm and persuasion can definitely come in handy! Although they are often hoarders, Rats can be very generous to those in their pack, namely friends and family members who have proven their loyalty. Others might perceive them as quick-tempered and sharp-tongued, but never boorish. Verbal jousting is a great pleasure for the Rat, a Sign that everyone around will quickly learn either to love or to hate.
Rats enjoy being on the outside looking in, as the outside affords a view into the inner workings of a system or situation. The Rat's keen mind always seeks out new knowledge, to be stored away for future use. This ever-curious Sign also welcomes challenges as a way to stay sharp. If boredom sets in the Rat is no fun at all, but that isn't likely; this Sign knows how to keep itself entertained.
A valuable lesson for Rats is to learn to consider others above themselves, at least sometimes. If they can develop their sense of self and realize it leaves room for others in their life as well, Rats could find true happiness.
Inspirational Love Story, A Gift of Love
The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and, using her hands to feel the location of the seats, walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her was empty. Then she settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg.
It had been a year since Susan, 34, became blind. Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. And all she had to cling to was her husband, Mark.
Mark was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart. When she first lost her sight, he watched her sink into despair and was determined to help his wife gain the strength and confidence she needed to become independent again.
Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but was now too frightened to get around the city by herself. Mark volunteered to drive her to work each day, even though they worked at opposite ends of the city. At first, this comforted Susan, and fulfilled Mark's need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task.
Soon, however, Mark realized the arrangement wasn't working. Susan is going to have to start taking the bus again, he admitted to himself. But she was still so fragile, so angry - how would she react? Just as he predicted, Susan was horrified at the idea of taking the bus again.
"I'm blind!", she responded bitterly. "How am I supposed to know where I am going? I feel like you're abandoning me."
Mark's heart broke to hear these words, but he knew what had to be done. He promised Susan that each morning and evening he would ride the bus with her, for as long as it took, until she got the hang of it. And that is exactly what happened. For two solid weeks, Mark, military uniform and all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day.
He taught her how to rely on her other senses, specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her, and save her a seat.
Finally, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived, and before she left, she threw her arms around Mark, her temporary bus-riding companion, her husband, and her best friend. Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude for his loyalty, his patience, And his love. She said good-bye, and for the first time, they went their separate ways. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... Each day on her own went perfectly, and Susan had never felt better. She was doing it! She was going to work all by herself.
On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was paying the fare to exit the bus, the driver said, "Boy, I sure do envy you." Susan wasn't sure if the driver was speaking to her or not. After all, who on earth would ever envy a blind woman who had struggled just to find the courage to live for the past year? Curious, she asked the driver, "Why do you say that you envy me?"
The driver responded, "It must feel good to be taken care of and protected like you are." Susan had no idea what the driver was talking about, and again asked, "What do you mean?"
The driver answered, "You know, every morning for the past week, a fine-looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you as you get off the bus. He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches until you enter your office building.
Then he blows you a kiss, gives you a little salute and walks away. You are one lucky lady." Tears of happiness poured down Susan's cheeks. For although she couldn't physically see him, she had always felt Mark's presence. She was lucky, so lucky, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight, a gift she didn't need to see to believe - the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.
It had been a year since Susan, 34, became blind. Due to a medical misdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. And all she had to cling to was her husband, Mark.
Mark was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart. When she first lost her sight, he watched her sink into despair and was determined to help his wife gain the strength and confidence she needed to become independent again.
Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but was now too frightened to get around the city by herself. Mark volunteered to drive her to work each day, even though they worked at opposite ends of the city. At first, this comforted Susan, and fulfilled Mark's need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task.
Soon, however, Mark realized the arrangement wasn't working. Susan is going to have to start taking the bus again, he admitted to himself. But she was still so fragile, so angry - how would she react? Just as he predicted, Susan was horrified at the idea of taking the bus again.
"I'm blind!", she responded bitterly. "How am I supposed to know where I am going? I feel like you're abandoning me."
Mark's heart broke to hear these words, but he knew what had to be done. He promised Susan that each morning and evening he would ride the bus with her, for as long as it took, until she got the hang of it. And that is exactly what happened. For two solid weeks, Mark, military uniform and all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day.
He taught her how to rely on her other senses, specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her, and save her a seat.
Finally, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived, and before she left, she threw her arms around Mark, her temporary bus-riding companion, her husband, and her best friend. Her eyes filled with tears of gratitude for his loyalty, his patience, And his love. She said good-bye, and for the first time, they went their separate ways. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... Each day on her own went perfectly, and Susan had never felt better. She was doing it! She was going to work all by herself.
On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was paying the fare to exit the bus, the driver said, "Boy, I sure do envy you." Susan wasn't sure if the driver was speaking to her or not. After all, who on earth would ever envy a blind woman who had struggled just to find the courage to live for the past year? Curious, she asked the driver, "Why do you say that you envy me?"
The driver responded, "It must feel good to be taken care of and protected like you are." Susan had no idea what the driver was talking about, and again asked, "What do you mean?"
The driver answered, "You know, every morning for the past week, a fine-looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you as you get off the bus. He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches until you enter your office building.
Then he blows you a kiss, gives you a little salute and walks away. You are one lucky lady." Tears of happiness poured down Susan's cheeks. For although she couldn't physically see him, she had always felt Mark's presence. She was lucky, so lucky, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight, a gift she didn't need to see to believe - the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.
100 Days Game Love Story
Message: Peter and Tina are sitting in the park doing nothing, but just gazing into the sky, while all their friends are having fun with their beloved half.
Tina: I'm so bored. Just wish I have a boyfriend now to spend time with.
Peter: I guess we're the only leftovers. We're the only person who isn't with a date now.
(both sigh n silence for a while)
Tina: I think I have a good idea. Lets play a game
Peter: Eh? What game?
Tina: Eem..It's quite simple. You be my boyfriend for 100 days and I'll be your girlfriend for 100 days. what do you think?
Peter: Oookay..Anyway I don't have any plan for the next few months.
Tina: You sound like you aren't looking forward to it at all. Cheer up. Today will be our first day and our first date. Where should we go?
Peter: What about a movie? I heard that there is a really great movie in theater now.
Tina: Seems like I don't have any better idea than this. Lets move. (went to watch their movies and sent each other home)
Day 2:
Peter and Tina went to a concert together, and Peter bought Tina a keychain with a star.
Day 3:
They went shopping together for a friend's birthday present. Share an ice-cream together and hugged each other for the first time.
Day 7:
Peter drove Tina up onto a mountain and they watch the sunset together. When the night came and the moon glowed, they said sat on the grass gazing at the stars together. A meteor passed by. Tina mumbled something.
Day 25:
Spend time at a themepark and got onto rollercoasters, and ate hotdogs and cotton candy. Peter and Tina got in the haunted house and Tina grabbed someone's hand instead of Peter's hand by accident. They laughed together for a while.
Day 67:
They drove pass a circus and decided to get in to watch the show. The midget asked Tina to play a part as his assistant in the magic show. Went around to see other entertainments around after the show. Came to a fortune teller and she just said "Treasure every moment from now on" and a tear rolled down the fortune teller's cheek.
Day 84:
Tina suggested that they go to the beach. The beach wasn't so crowded that day. They have their first kiss with each other just as the sun is setting.
Day 99:
They decided to have a simple day and is deciding to have a walk around the city. They sits down onto a bench.
1:23 pm
Tina: I'm thirsty. Lets rest for a while first.
Peter: Wait here while I go buy some drinks. What would you like?
Tina: Eem...Apple juice will be just fine.
1:43 pm
Tina waiting for about 20 minutes and Peter havent return. Then someone walked up to her.
Stranger: Is your name Tina?
Tina: Yes, and may I help you?
Stranger: Just now down there on the street a drunk driver has crashed into a guy. I think its your friend.
Tina ran over to the spot with the stranger and sees Peter lying on the floor with blood over his face and her apple juice still in his hands. The ambulance came and she went to the hospital with Peter. Tina sat outside the emergency room for five and a half hours. The doctor came out, and he sigh.
11:51 pm
Doctor: I'm sorry, but we did the best we could. He is still breathing now but God would take him away from us very soon. We found this letter inside his pocket.
The doctor hands over the letter to Tina and she goes into the room to see Peter. He look weak but peaceful. Tina read the letter and then she burst into tears. Here is what the letter said.
Our 100 days is almost over. I had fun with you during all these days. Although you may be greedy sometimes and less thoughtful, but these all brought happiness into my life. I have realize that you are a really cute girl and blamed myself for never taken the time to knowing that. I have nothing much to ask for, but I just wish that we can extend the day. I want to be your boyfriend forever and wish that you can be beside me all the time. Tina, I love you.
Tina: (sobbing) Peter. Did you know what was the wish I made on the night there was a meteor. I asked God to let us last forever. We were suppose to last 100 days so Peter! You can't leave me! I LOVE YOU, but can you come back to
me now? I love you Peter. I LOVE YOU.
As the clock struck twelve, Peter's heart stopped beating. It was 100 days.
Tell the guy or girl that you love them before
its too late. You never know whats going to
happen tomorrow. You never know who will be
leaving you and never return
Tina: I'm so bored. Just wish I have a boyfriend now to spend time with.
Peter: I guess we're the only leftovers. We're the only person who isn't with a date now.
(both sigh n silence for a while)
Tina: I think I have a good idea. Lets play a game
Peter: Eh? What game?
Tina: Eem..It's quite simple. You be my boyfriend for 100 days and I'll be your girlfriend for 100 days. what do you think?
Peter: Oookay..Anyway I don't have any plan for the next few months.
Tina: You sound like you aren't looking forward to it at all. Cheer up. Today will be our first day and our first date. Where should we go?
Peter: What about a movie? I heard that there is a really great movie in theater now.
Tina: Seems like I don't have any better idea than this. Lets move. (went to watch their movies and sent each other home)
Day 2:
Peter and Tina went to a concert together, and Peter bought Tina a keychain with a star.
Day 3:
They went shopping together for a friend's birthday present. Share an ice-cream together and hugged each other for the first time.
Day 7:
Peter drove Tina up onto a mountain and they watch the sunset together. When the night came and the moon glowed, they said sat on the grass gazing at the stars together. A meteor passed by. Tina mumbled something.
Day 25:
Spend time at a themepark and got onto rollercoasters, and ate hotdogs and cotton candy. Peter and Tina got in the haunted house and Tina grabbed someone's hand instead of Peter's hand by accident. They laughed together for a while.
Day 67:
They drove pass a circus and decided to get in to watch the show. The midget asked Tina to play a part as his assistant in the magic show. Went around to see other entertainments around after the show. Came to a fortune teller and she just said "Treasure every moment from now on" and a tear rolled down the fortune teller's cheek.
Day 84:
Tina suggested that they go to the beach. The beach wasn't so crowded that day. They have their first kiss with each other just as the sun is setting.
Day 99:
They decided to have a simple day and is deciding to have a walk around the city. They sits down onto a bench.
1:23 pm
Tina: I'm thirsty. Lets rest for a while first.
Peter: Wait here while I go buy some drinks. What would you like?
Tina: Eem...Apple juice will be just fine.
1:43 pm
Tina waiting for about 20 minutes and Peter havent return. Then someone walked up to her.
Stranger: Is your name Tina?
Tina: Yes, and may I help you?
Stranger: Just now down there on the street a drunk driver has crashed into a guy. I think its your friend.
Tina ran over to the spot with the stranger and sees Peter lying on the floor with blood over his face and her apple juice still in his hands. The ambulance came and she went to the hospital with Peter. Tina sat outside the emergency room for five and a half hours. The doctor came out, and he sigh.
11:51 pm
Doctor: I'm sorry, but we did the best we could. He is still breathing now but God would take him away from us very soon. We found this letter inside his pocket.
The doctor hands over the letter to Tina and she goes into the room to see Peter. He look weak but peaceful. Tina read the letter and then she burst into tears. Here is what the letter said.
Our 100 days is almost over. I had fun with you during all these days. Although you may be greedy sometimes and less thoughtful, but these all brought happiness into my life. I have realize that you are a really cute girl and blamed myself for never taken the time to knowing that. I have nothing much to ask for, but I just wish that we can extend the day. I want to be your boyfriend forever and wish that you can be beside me all the time. Tina, I love you.
Tina: (sobbing) Peter. Did you know what was the wish I made on the night there was a meteor. I asked God to let us last forever. We were suppose to last 100 days so Peter! You can't leave me! I LOVE YOU, but can you come back to
me now? I love you Peter. I LOVE YOU.
As the clock struck twelve, Peter's heart stopped beating. It was 100 days.
Tell the guy or girl that you love them before
its too late. You never know whats going to
happen tomorrow. You never know who will be
leaving you and never return
She was Not Beautiful
She was not beautiful. Nothing about her was extraordinary. Nothing about her made her stand out in a crowd. She grew up in a family of six and being the eldest, she learned responsibility at an early age.
As she grew stronger and brighter, she instilled a sort of light and cheer to whomever she met. She was not beautiful, but she made others feel better about themselves. She meets a rebel boy who thinks he is all man, befriending him, she teaches him. She teaches him how to read and a little boost, the 'man' needed to go to college, they become fast friends and she fell fast in love with her rugged handsome student.
The 'man' then finds himself in love with a girl. A girl who was so beautiful. Her hair was a hallow of light around her. Her eyes the bluest blue of the ocean. 'Like an angel' he tells his tutor 'like a beautiful angel.' The girl swallows a lump at her throat. She was not beautiful, she did not posses the heart of the one he loved, but she did not care. As long as he was happy, she would be happy, or so she tried to. She helped write the most beautiful letters to his angel. All the time visioning it was she herself receiving those very letters. And so the girl helped him choose the right clothes, say the right words, and buy the right gifts for his angel.
His angel brought him much joy and much pain to the girl who cried behind her smiles. But that never stopped her from giving more than she will ever receive. Then one day, the angel he loved left him for another man. A richer more successful man. The boy was stunned. He was so hurt, he did not speak for days. The girl went to him. He cried on her shoulder and she cried with him.
He was hurt and she was too. Time went by and so wounds heal. The boy realizes something about his friend/tutor. Something he never realized before. How her laughter sounded heavenly and how her smiles brightened up the darkest days, or how simply beautiful she looked to him!
Beautiful. This plain, simple girl was beautiful to him. And he began to fall. Fall so in love with this beautiful girl. On one day, he picked up all his courage to see her. He walked to her house, nervous, and fidgeting, Running his thoughts over and over his head.
He was going to tell her how beautiful she was to him. He was going to tell her how wonderfully in love he was with her. He knocked. No one was home.
The next day, he found out that the beautiful girl he fell in love with had a brain tumor that put her into a coma. The doctors were grim and the family decided to let her go.
One final time he got to see her. He held her hand. He stroked her hair and he cried for this beautiful girl. He cried, but it was too late. The beautiful girl was buried and the heavens broke. Out a beautiful spring shower, a cry for their loss. She was the most beautiful girl in the world and she had taught the rebel boy-man to love and what it is to be loved.
She was the most beautiful girl in the world.
Look around. Aren't there a lot of plain faces? Take a good look. A real good look or you might just miss out that beautiful person.
As she grew stronger and brighter, she instilled a sort of light and cheer to whomever she met. She was not beautiful, but she made others feel better about themselves. She meets a rebel boy who thinks he is all man, befriending him, she teaches him. She teaches him how to read and a little boost, the 'man' needed to go to college, they become fast friends and she fell fast in love with her rugged handsome student.
The 'man' then finds himself in love with a girl. A girl who was so beautiful. Her hair was a hallow of light around her. Her eyes the bluest blue of the ocean. 'Like an angel' he tells his tutor 'like a beautiful angel.' The girl swallows a lump at her throat. She was not beautiful, she did not posses the heart of the one he loved, but she did not care. As long as he was happy, she would be happy, or so she tried to. She helped write the most beautiful letters to his angel. All the time visioning it was she herself receiving those very letters. And so the girl helped him choose the right clothes, say the right words, and buy the right gifts for his angel.
His angel brought him much joy and much pain to the girl who cried behind her smiles. But that never stopped her from giving more than she will ever receive. Then one day, the angel he loved left him for another man. A richer more successful man. The boy was stunned. He was so hurt, he did not speak for days. The girl went to him. He cried on her shoulder and she cried with him.
He was hurt and she was too. Time went by and so wounds heal. The boy realizes something about his friend/tutor. Something he never realized before. How her laughter sounded heavenly and how her smiles brightened up the darkest days, or how simply beautiful she looked to him!
Beautiful. This plain, simple girl was beautiful to him. And he began to fall. Fall so in love with this beautiful girl. On one day, he picked up all his courage to see her. He walked to her house, nervous, and fidgeting, Running his thoughts over and over his head.
He was going to tell her how beautiful she was to him. He was going to tell her how wonderfully in love he was with her. He knocked. No one was home.
The next day, he found out that the beautiful girl he fell in love with had a brain tumor that put her into a coma. The doctors were grim and the family decided to let her go.
One final time he got to see her. He held her hand. He stroked her hair and he cried for this beautiful girl. He cried, but it was too late. The beautiful girl was buried and the heavens broke. Out a beautiful spring shower, a cry for their loss. She was the most beautiful girl in the world and she had taught the rebel boy-man to love and what it is to be loved.
She was the most beautiful girl in the world.
Look around. Aren't there a lot of plain faces? Take a good look. A real good look or you might just miss out that beautiful person.
Three Words
Girl: Do you really love me?
Boy: Of course I do.
Girl: I wanna hear you say it.
Boy: I don’t have to.
Girl: Why not?
Boy: Because...
Girl: I just want to hear you say it in words.
Boy: I can’t...
The girl started to cry softly and said:
Then you don't love me...
The two continued to walk in silence. They
reached the girls home.
Girl: Why?
Boy: Do you really want to know?
Girl: (hesitantly) Yes.
He hugged her gently, kissed the tip of her nose
and whispered in her ear,
"Because three words are not enough..."
Boy: Of course I do.
Girl: I wanna hear you say it.
Boy: I don’t have to.
Girl: Why not?
Boy: Because...
Girl: I just want to hear you say it in words.
Boy: I can’t...
The girl started to cry softly and said:
Then you don't love me...
The two continued to walk in silence. They
reached the girls home.
Girl: Why?
Boy: Do you really want to know?
Girl: (hesitantly) Yes.
He hugged her gently, kissed the tip of her nose
and whispered in her ear,
"Because three words are not enough..."
Follow Your Heart
Billy loved Katie with all his heart. But he never told a Single soul. Katie secretly loved him too. But she thought she would never have a chance with him. Billy asked his friends what they think of her and his friends thought she was gay. They didn't like her at all. So Billy just went along with them. They all made fun of her and made her feel really bad. Katie was so upset.
One day they followed her home from school making fun of her the whole way home. Once she got inside her house she dropped to the floor cringe. She had a crush on Billy since 3rd grade. She didn't know what to do. When Billy got home he felt real bad about what he had done. So he decided to go to Katie's house to tell her he was sorry and that he really loves her.
When he got there he knocked on the door no one answered.
The door was open so he walked in. He walked into the living room and found Katie lying dead on the floor. She had slit her wrists. Billy was so up set . He knew it was his fault she killed her self. And now he could never tell her how he really felt.
The lesson of this story is: Don't wait to until the last minute to tell someone how you really feel. Because it just might be too late. And don't always go by what your friends say, follow your heart.
One day they followed her home from school making fun of her the whole way home. Once she got inside her house she dropped to the floor cringe. She had a crush on Billy since 3rd grade. She didn't know what to do. When Billy got home he felt real bad about what he had done. So he decided to go to Katie's house to tell her he was sorry and that he really loves her.
When he got there he knocked on the door no one answered.
The door was open so he walked in. He walked into the living room and found Katie lying dead on the floor. She had slit her wrists. Billy was so up set . He knew it was his fault she killed her self. And now he could never tell her how he really felt.
The lesson of this story is: Don't wait to until the last minute to tell someone how you really feel. Because it just might be too late. And don't always go by what your friends say, follow your heart.
The Hate Letter
Read this "HATE letter". It is so funny and creative. This is a loveletter from a boy to a girl.... However, the girl's father does not like him and want them stop their relationship......and so..the boy wrote this letter to the girl..he knows that the girl's father will definitely read this letter..
1 "The great love that I have for you
2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3 grows every day. When I see you,
4 I do not even like your face;
5 the one thing that I want to do is to
6 look at other girls. I never wanted to
7 marry you. Our last conversation
8 was very boring and has not
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself.
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help me.
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this is the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend."
So bad!! However, before handing over the letter to the girl, the boy told the girl to "READ BETWEEN THE LINES", meaning-only to read (Odd Numbers) So..Please try reading it again! It's so smart & sweet.... :)
1 "The great love that I have for you
2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you
3 grows every day. When I see you,
4 I do not even like your face;
5 the one thing that I want to do is to
6 look at other girls. I never wanted to
7 marry you. Our last conversation
8 was very boring and has not
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself.
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help me.
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this is the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend."
So bad!! However, before handing over the letter to the girl, the boy told the girl to "READ BETWEEN THE LINES", meaning-only to read (Odd Numbers) So..Please try reading it again! It's so smart & sweet.... :)
Keys to Successful Winning Relationships TIP #8
TIP #8
PERCEPTION - a mental image
My Father says, "You can do all things through Him who
strengthens you."
When others look at you, what do they see? When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see what others see? Probably not. There are three words that you can literally live by: "Perception is Reality". Perception is a core function of your imagination. That is, what you perceive to be true is effectively what you imagined to be true...and because you imagine it to be so, it becomes reality.
If you see a person walking towards you, that is not perception, but rather reality - you did not imagine the event - it happened.
But life is full of far more complex situations, and that is where our perception comes in. If that person walking towards you said something in a certain way, how you perceive or imagine their intentions determines how you will perceive the situation. Their tone of voice, their body language, whether they were smiling or sad, whether they were excited or taking their time, are just a few of the mental images that we instantly download into our computer(brain) helping us to "size-up" the situation, whether right or wrong.
Whether we like it or not, we make important, often life-changing decisions based on our imagination.
I see three different levels of basic perception at work here. How you perceive yourself, how your spouse and those closest family members perceive you, and how all others perceive you. Here are some things that you should consider when thinking about how others perceive you: Your lifestyle, do you smile? your speech and speech patterns that you choose to use(or that you have allowed to become part of your lifestyle), tone of voice, your body language - how you carry yourself when you walk, how you sit, how you stand - your hair and nails, are they clean? What about your shoes? Are they clean, or does it even matter? It doesn't matter if your clothes are latest fashion or 10 years old. What matters is "how" you wear them, which gives a clue to your own self-image.
It matters not whether you are very large or very thin, short or tall, educated or uneducated(by the world's standards), rich or poor, wear glasses or do not wear glasses, have massive hair or you are bald. The question is, "How do I perceive myself and how am I projecting that, from the inside out, to those around me?"
It is the heart and soul that truly moves people. Do you walk and move with charisma, charm and sophistication incorporated with humility? Look in the mirror and consider these two questions: "How do people label me?" and "How do I WANT to be labeled?" Decide, and then work on projecting that perception. You have an obligation to feel better about yourself! YOU CAN DO IT!!
Check out these 21 Basic Laws on how to save your Relationships..
...click on this link:
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PERCEPTION - a mental image
My Father says, "You can do all things through Him who
strengthens you."
When others look at you, what do they see? When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see what others see? Probably not. There are three words that you can literally live by: "Perception is Reality". Perception is a core function of your imagination. That is, what you perceive to be true is effectively what you imagined to be true...and because you imagine it to be so, it becomes reality.
If you see a person walking towards you, that is not perception, but rather reality - you did not imagine the event - it happened.
But life is full of far more complex situations, and that is where our perception comes in. If that person walking towards you said something in a certain way, how you perceive or imagine their intentions determines how you will perceive the situation. Their tone of voice, their body language, whether they were smiling or sad, whether they were excited or taking their time, are just a few of the mental images that we instantly download into our computer(brain) helping us to "size-up" the situation, whether right or wrong.
Whether we like it or not, we make important, often life-changing decisions based on our imagination.
I see three different levels of basic perception at work here. How you perceive yourself, how your spouse and those closest family members perceive you, and how all others perceive you. Here are some things that you should consider when thinking about how others perceive you: Your lifestyle, do you smile? your speech and speech patterns that you choose to use(or that you have allowed to become part of your lifestyle), tone of voice, your body language - how you carry yourself when you walk, how you sit, how you stand - your hair and nails, are they clean? What about your shoes? Are they clean, or does it even matter? It doesn't matter if your clothes are latest fashion or 10 years old. What matters is "how" you wear them, which gives a clue to your own self-image.
It matters not whether you are very large or very thin, short or tall, educated or uneducated(by the world's standards), rich or poor, wear glasses or do not wear glasses, have massive hair or you are bald. The question is, "How do I perceive myself and how am I projecting that, from the inside out, to those around me?"
It is the heart and soul that truly moves people. Do you walk and move with charisma, charm and sophistication incorporated with humility? Look in the mirror and consider these two questions: "How do people label me?" and "How do I WANT to be labeled?" Decide, and then work on projecting that perception. You have an obligation to feel better about yourself! YOU CAN DO IT!!
Check out these 21 Basic Laws on how to save your Relationships..
...click on this link:
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Keys to Successful Winning Relationships TIP #7
TIP #7
REALITY - that which is truth, that which is real
My Father says, "...walk in the truth"
What is the key factor that keeps you from facing reality in your life? YOU! You are the primary force that shapes your life. True, you have challenging influences all around you, but you are the determining factor that makes the choices of how you live your life and facing truth in your life.
Because we are so wonderfully made and full of wonder, and because we are born with the weapons that we need to face life and live it to the fullest, there is the age-old question, "Why don't we?" Is it because over the years we have given over ownership of our lives, or perhaps relinquished our authority or ability to take control and walk out our lives to the fullest? Could it be that we have lost our mate or someone very dear to us that loneliness has overtaken us, and we cannot fully regain the consciousness to move on?
What is the giant in your life that laughs in your face daily, and you just can't seem to conquer it? Could it be that when people around you whisper quietly you think they are talking about you, so you immediately get offended, which causes you much internal problems? When in truth what they were discussing had absolutely nothing to do with you. Could it be that you thought more highly of yourself than you should by thinking that they were talking about you in the first place? Could it be that we are so uncomfortable with ourselves that we make everyone else around us uncomfortable as well? We become selfish and self-centered, always wanting things to go our way. We want to be in control or we won't play anymore. Sounds pretty childish when put on paper, doesn't it?
Maybe you are a sloppy housekeeper but your best friend is a glorious housekeeper. Keeps you on that inferior list, doesn't it? If you feel inferior about that, then you probably battle with inferiority in other areas of your life as well.
Maybe you battle with that green-eyed demon of jealousy. Now that one can really suck the life out of its owner. It is a very suffocating thing to be carrying around the weight of jealousy.
What about FEAR? Especially in the day in which we are living, people are living in fear of so many things which robs them of peace and rest. Today, many people are living under the weight of so much debt, and that one seems to be getting heavier. Maybe you are a grandparent who is having to shoulder the responsibility
of raising your grands simply because your son or daughter got into alcohol or drugs or some other vice, and you are now their guardian.
I haven't touched the surface of the problems many people are facing, but, whatever it is you are battling, don't you think it is time to take responsibility, FACE REALITY, do a 180 degree turn and start walking the other direction? When we face reality,
look defeat in the face and declare "enough!", ask for help from above, then our lives have a starting point to leave defeat behind and start walking in victory - one day at the time.
Keep walking forward..keep walking forward...face the challenge with a changed attitude, not a defeated one, and promise yourself that you will NEVER GIVE UP. Allow joy, peace and happiness to begin to overtake you and do not allow the enemy to defeat you again. You do this by making right choices, regardless of the challenge.
So you get knocked down. Get right back up and keep walking forward. Exercise your laughter, rise above the situation, and allow God's peace to carry you onward.
Unil our next tip...
REALITY - that which is truth, that which is real
My Father says, "...walk in the truth"
What is the key factor that keeps you from facing reality in your life? YOU! You are the primary force that shapes your life. True, you have challenging influences all around you, but you are the determining factor that makes the choices of how you live your life and facing truth in your life.
Because we are so wonderfully made and full of wonder, and because we are born with the weapons that we need to face life and live it to the fullest, there is the age-old question, "Why don't we?" Is it because over the years we have given over ownership of our lives, or perhaps relinquished our authority or ability to take control and walk out our lives to the fullest? Could it be that we have lost our mate or someone very dear to us that loneliness has overtaken us, and we cannot fully regain the consciousness to move on?
What is the giant in your life that laughs in your face daily, and you just can't seem to conquer it? Could it be that when people around you whisper quietly you think they are talking about you, so you immediately get offended, which causes you much internal problems? When in truth what they were discussing had absolutely nothing to do with you. Could it be that you thought more highly of yourself than you should by thinking that they were talking about you in the first place? Could it be that we are so uncomfortable with ourselves that we make everyone else around us uncomfortable as well? We become selfish and self-centered, always wanting things to go our way. We want to be in control or we won't play anymore. Sounds pretty childish when put on paper, doesn't it?
Maybe you are a sloppy housekeeper but your best friend is a glorious housekeeper. Keeps you on that inferior list, doesn't it? If you feel inferior about that, then you probably battle with inferiority in other areas of your life as well.
Maybe you battle with that green-eyed demon of jealousy. Now that one can really suck the life out of its owner. It is a very suffocating thing to be carrying around the weight of jealousy.
What about FEAR? Especially in the day in which we are living, people are living in fear of so many things which robs them of peace and rest. Today, many people are living under the weight of so much debt, and that one seems to be getting heavier. Maybe you are a grandparent who is having to shoulder the responsibility
of raising your grands simply because your son or daughter got into alcohol or drugs or some other vice, and you are now their guardian.
I haven't touched the surface of the problems many people are facing, but, whatever it is you are battling, don't you think it is time to take responsibility, FACE REALITY, do a 180 degree turn and start walking the other direction? When we face reality,
look defeat in the face and declare "enough!", ask for help from above, then our lives have a starting point to leave defeat behind and start walking in victory - one day at the time.
Keep walking forward..keep walking forward...face the challenge with a changed attitude, not a defeated one, and promise yourself that you will NEVER GIVE UP. Allow joy, peace and happiness to begin to overtake you and do not allow the enemy to defeat you again. You do this by making right choices, regardless of the challenge.
So you get knocked down. Get right back up and keep walking forward. Exercise your laughter, rise above the situation, and allow God's peace to carry you onward.
Unil our next tip...
Keys to Successful Winning Relationships TIP #6
Here's TIP #6:
My Father says, "He gives us more and more grace".
I am thankful from the depths of my soul that my Heavenly Father placed me in "the land of the free and the home of the brave". I am also thankful that He placed me in the family that He chose for me. Your ideas and ideals have been formed through time by the environment in which you have been surrounded.
Now, to realize your full potential and become the person that you want to be, there may be doors that you need to open, and there may be doors that you need to close. There is something that you were put on this earth to accomplish that only you can do. When you begin to realize this within, you will begin to walk in the true peace, happiness and joy that can only come from fulfilling that purpose.
Throw off those heavy weights that seem to have you bound and not moving forward. Whether they be conscious or unconscious, real or unreal, put there by someone else or put there by yourself, they need to be consciously released. You CAN do it! It may take some work to be completely rid of some of the bad traits, simply because they have been a part of your lifestyle for a long period of time. Some of these unwanted attributes could be laziness, apathy, needing attention, having to be in control, anger, loneliness, hatefulness, indecision, doubt, worry, overly cautiousness, bad attitudes, maybe you are a whiner, poor, boisterous, unwanted habits, a carousing person, etc... You can rid yourself of unwanted attributes, but ONLY if you desire it and are willing to change, whatever the cost.
If you have already told yourself "I can't" or "this is too hard", then you will never change. BUT, I know that you CAN because every normal person has the power within to change when coupled with desire. It is possible, BUT, you must decide what is right for you and what will make you the happiest. Only you can unlock your inner potential.
You can fulfill your innermost dreams by doing something that you really love to do. Establish one key goal that you want to see accomplished. Every day work on developing that quality, without stopping, until you have it fine-tuned to the point that it becomes a part of your lifestyle. You need to develop an unshakable level of self-confidence that makes you totally unstoppable. You will begin to see your personality changing into that beautiful possibility that you desire to become.
Lean on the strength that comes from above and you will have all the help you could need to accomplish your goals and see positive end results. Learn to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you, determine to be happy, and stay away from people who are continually unhappy.
Sharing your life with others will make your life richer and more fulfilling, and will definitely give you challenges while seeing your aspirations accomplished. Keep a positive attitude, make right choices, exercise your laughter, and be at peace with yourself and God. Work on strengthening your self-discipline and use that to help achieve your goals. Doing these things will help you become a better, stronger and more powerful human being.
When you cast off the bonds of helplessness, you will begin to feel that there is nothing in the world that you can't do or become. Make a choice to be the best that you can be for the rest of your life. Live today as if there is no tomorrow and BE YOUR BEST!!
My Father says, "He gives us more and more grace".
I am thankful from the depths of my soul that my Heavenly Father placed me in "the land of the free and the home of the brave". I am also thankful that He placed me in the family that He chose for me. Your ideas and ideals have been formed through time by the environment in which you have been surrounded.
Now, to realize your full potential and become the person that you want to be, there may be doors that you need to open, and there may be doors that you need to close. There is something that you were put on this earth to accomplish that only you can do. When you begin to realize this within, you will begin to walk in the true peace, happiness and joy that can only come from fulfilling that purpose.
Throw off those heavy weights that seem to have you bound and not moving forward. Whether they be conscious or unconscious, real or unreal, put there by someone else or put there by yourself, they need to be consciously released. You CAN do it! It may take some work to be completely rid of some of the bad traits, simply because they have been a part of your lifestyle for a long period of time. Some of these unwanted attributes could be laziness, apathy, needing attention, having to be in control, anger, loneliness, hatefulness, indecision, doubt, worry, overly cautiousness, bad attitudes, maybe you are a whiner, poor, boisterous, unwanted habits, a carousing person, etc... You can rid yourself of unwanted attributes, but ONLY if you desire it and are willing to change, whatever the cost.
If you have already told yourself "I can't" or "this is too hard", then you will never change. BUT, I know that you CAN because every normal person has the power within to change when coupled with desire. It is possible, BUT, you must decide what is right for you and what will make you the happiest. Only you can unlock your inner potential.
You can fulfill your innermost dreams by doing something that you really love to do. Establish one key goal that you want to see accomplished. Every day work on developing that quality, without stopping, until you have it fine-tuned to the point that it becomes a part of your lifestyle. You need to develop an unshakable level of self-confidence that makes you totally unstoppable. You will begin to see your personality changing into that beautiful possibility that you desire to become.
Lean on the strength that comes from above and you will have all the help you could need to accomplish your goals and see positive end results. Learn to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you, determine to be happy, and stay away from people who are continually unhappy.
Sharing your life with others will make your life richer and more fulfilling, and will definitely give you challenges while seeing your aspirations accomplished. Keep a positive attitude, make right choices, exercise your laughter, and be at peace with yourself and God. Work on strengthening your self-discipline and use that to help achieve your goals. Doing these things will help you become a better, stronger and more powerful human being.
When you cast off the bonds of helplessness, you will begin to feel that there is nothing in the world that you can't do or become. Make a choice to be the best that you can be for the rest of your life. Live today as if there is no tomorrow and BE YOUR BEST!!
Keys to Successful Winning Relationships TIP #5
Here's TIP #5
LOVING OURSELVES - Do I even like myself?
My Father says, "love never fails".
The most important factor in determining the fullness of your life is how YOU perceive yourself, and whether or not you like yourself. If you want to change something in you life, YOU NEED TO LOVE YOURSELF. Why? you may ask, is it so important to love yourself? If you love yourself you can love others. If you love yourself your self-esteem and self-acceptance grows. Loving yourself is the most important asset that you have in life. This doesn't mean that you are arrogant, pompous and without humble feelings. If you love yourself you will not reject yourself, nor will others. If they do, it will not matter to you because you will have the self-confidence to keep going forward knowing that you are a winner.
We all have this human nature tendency to want others to accept us, rather than reject us. When we love and accept ourselves for who we are, what others say about us, or when they reject us, may be a bump in our road, but we keep going forward and go on with our lives in the positive mode.
Strangely enough, many people do not love themselves, and most don't even like themselves. Many people have bought into the lie that they will never be good enough - good enough for what? So, how can they possibly like themselves, much less, love themselves? And then, how could they expect someone else to love them if they can't even love themselves?
If we tend to continually judge ourselves against externals(or others), we will always fall short. When we put water and oil in a container together, the oil will rise to the top. Just as the oil rises to the top, we need to challenge ourselves and "stir up our pot" (so to speak) to allow those wonderfully good qualities within to "rise" to the top and, and let go of the bad habits or attitudes that have ruled over us for too long.
Everything begins with love. Loving ourselves affects our attitude, the choices we make in life, our happiness, peace and joy, our self-acceptance, and the importance of who we are. Letting go of the past and learning to love ourselves will make us more compassionate, and we will enjoy life more. If you have love for yourself, you will have love for others as well. Stop grumbling and finding excuses not to love yourself because, fortunately, you CAN learn to love yourself.
Look around you and see all the marvelous things that you have been blessed with that together create the potential to enable you to experience wonderful things. Look beyond the faults of the people in your life and seek out the beauty inside of each and every one of them. You have heard the old saying "beauty is only skin deep". This is a true saying, for real beauty comes from the heart. Outward beauty will fail us, but we can begin developing that beauty that is within by learning to love ourselves and developing the greatness, kindness, gentleness, sweetness and love that is within us, longing to be released.
As you learn to love yourself, healing and life energy will take place within you.
Your opinion of yourself is more important that what others think of you. Happy people like themselves and are comfortable being themselves. Learning to love yourself is one of the best things you can ever do to totally transform every aspect of your life. It really is OK to love yourself.
LOVING OURSELVES - Do I even like myself?
My Father says, "love never fails".
The most important factor in determining the fullness of your life is how YOU perceive yourself, and whether or not you like yourself. If you want to change something in you life, YOU NEED TO LOVE YOURSELF. Why? you may ask, is it so important to love yourself? If you love yourself you can love others. If you love yourself your self-esteem and self-acceptance grows. Loving yourself is the most important asset that you have in life. This doesn't mean that you are arrogant, pompous and without humble feelings. If you love yourself you will not reject yourself, nor will others. If they do, it will not matter to you because you will have the self-confidence to keep going forward knowing that you are a winner.
We all have this human nature tendency to want others to accept us, rather than reject us. When we love and accept ourselves for who we are, what others say about us, or when they reject us, may be a bump in our road, but we keep going forward and go on with our lives in the positive mode.
Strangely enough, many people do not love themselves, and most don't even like themselves. Many people have bought into the lie that they will never be good enough - good enough for what? So, how can they possibly like themselves, much less, love themselves? And then, how could they expect someone else to love them if they can't even love themselves?
If we tend to continually judge ourselves against externals(or others), we will always fall short. When we put water and oil in a container together, the oil will rise to the top. Just as the oil rises to the top, we need to challenge ourselves and "stir up our pot" (so to speak) to allow those wonderfully good qualities within to "rise" to the top and, and let go of the bad habits or attitudes that have ruled over us for too long.
Everything begins with love. Loving ourselves affects our attitude, the choices we make in life, our happiness, peace and joy, our self-acceptance, and the importance of who we are. Letting go of the past and learning to love ourselves will make us more compassionate, and we will enjoy life more. If you have love for yourself, you will have love for others as well. Stop grumbling and finding excuses not to love yourself because, fortunately, you CAN learn to love yourself.
Look around you and see all the marvelous things that you have been blessed with that together create the potential to enable you to experience wonderful things. Look beyond the faults of the people in your life and seek out the beauty inside of each and every one of them. You have heard the old saying "beauty is only skin deep". This is a true saying, for real beauty comes from the heart. Outward beauty will fail us, but we can begin developing that beauty that is within by learning to love ourselves and developing the greatness, kindness, gentleness, sweetness and love that is within us, longing to be released.
As you learn to love yourself, healing and life energy will take place within you.
Your opinion of yourself is more important that what others think of you. Happy people like themselves and are comfortable being themselves. Learning to love yourself is one of the best things you can ever do to totally transform every aspect of your life. It really is OK to love yourself.
Keys to Successful Winning Relationships TIP #4:
My Father says, "You are fearfully and wonderfully made!"
As we are looking deep within ourselves, let us ask ourselves this question, "Do I like who I am? Do I really love whom I was created to be?" It is so important to accept the truth about your emotions and how you perceive your life. Our thoughts and attitudes create our emotions, which in turn includes self-acceptance, self-love, self-confidence, self-respect, and other attributes.
My way of thinking about who I am either allows me to live in a positive world or a negative world, and this by MY choice. Where I hang my hat today all depends upon me.
There are many factors in your past that have helped you form the opinion that you have of yourself today. For example, you may have a family member that was always telling you that you were not good enough, or you were stupid, or you could not do this or achieve that; therefore, over time you came to believe these things were true about yourself. Or,on the other hand, this same family member, instead of tearing down your self-esteem, was daily building you up by telling you how smart or how wonderful and beautiful you are, or encouraging you with the words, "you can do it!" These are two extremes, but so prevalent in this day and time.
We need to realize that our mental response is a very powerful tool. If we cannot change something, we can change the way that we think about it. You cannot change your past or the family into which you were born, but, you do have the power to accept the reality that you were truly "fearfully and wonderfully made". You need to open the door to reality, step over the threshold of uncertainty, and allow your soul to soar out into the beautiful world that God created for you to so richly enjoy. Destroy that demon of FEAR and GO!! By accepting reality you are taking responsibility for your life. Accept yourself right where you are and start climbing! Yes, there will be battles, but you CAN do it!
Acceptance gives us a feeling of dealing with the situation and we gain control over our lives once again. The only person who is in charge of your feelings and emotions is you. Many times we like to make ourselves feel better by putting blame on others, when in reality, we are where we are because of the choices that we have made.
Many people, despite a sincere attempt to change, give up trying and return to their old ways. The main reason was they expected to see changes overnight, expecting too much, too soon. Remember, we did not get to this point overnight; therefore, we must give ourselves time and accept our small achievements today.
Let us stand tall, look Truth in the face - not fear, realize the beauty that is within us, and perservere with a happy attitude with the thought that "I really CAN do it!! I know who I am and only I have the ability to change and accept the person within me."
Only YOU have the power to metamorphose into that beautiful butterfly that you long to become, and with the help of the Father, YOU REALLY CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!
My Father says, "You are fearfully and wonderfully made!"
As we are looking deep within ourselves, let us ask ourselves this question, "Do I like who I am? Do I really love whom I was created to be?" It is so important to accept the truth about your emotions and how you perceive your life. Our thoughts and attitudes create our emotions, which in turn includes self-acceptance, self-love, self-confidence, self-respect, and other attributes.
My way of thinking about who I am either allows me to live in a positive world or a negative world, and this by MY choice. Where I hang my hat today all depends upon me.
There are many factors in your past that have helped you form the opinion that you have of yourself today. For example, you may have a family member that was always telling you that you were not good enough, or you were stupid, or you could not do this or achieve that; therefore, over time you came to believe these things were true about yourself. Or,on the other hand, this same family member, instead of tearing down your self-esteem, was daily building you up by telling you how smart or how wonderful and beautiful you are, or encouraging you with the words, "you can do it!" These are two extremes, but so prevalent in this day and time.
We need to realize that our mental response is a very powerful tool. If we cannot change something, we can change the way that we think about it. You cannot change your past or the family into which you were born, but, you do have the power to accept the reality that you were truly "fearfully and wonderfully made". You need to open the door to reality, step over the threshold of uncertainty, and allow your soul to soar out into the beautiful world that God created for you to so richly enjoy. Destroy that demon of FEAR and GO!! By accepting reality you are taking responsibility for your life. Accept yourself right where you are and start climbing! Yes, there will be battles, but you CAN do it!
Acceptance gives us a feeling of dealing with the situation and we gain control over our lives once again. The only person who is in charge of your feelings and emotions is you. Many times we like to make ourselves feel better by putting blame on others, when in reality, we are where we are because of the choices that we have made.
Many people, despite a sincere attempt to change, give up trying and return to their old ways. The main reason was they expected to see changes overnight, expecting too much, too soon. Remember, we did not get to this point overnight; therefore, we must give ourselves time and accept our small achievements today.
Let us stand tall, look Truth in the face - not fear, realize the beauty that is within us, and perservere with a happy attitude with the thought that "I really CAN do it!! I know who I am and only I have the ability to change and accept the person within me."
Only YOU have the power to metamorphose into that beautiful butterfly that you long to become, and with the help of the Father, YOU REALLY CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Keys to Successful Winning Relationships TIP #3
HAPPINESS - a state of well-being and contentment
My Father says, "...no one can take from you your joy"
Happiness is a state of well-being in which we are free from fear, resentment, anger, hostility, or forms of suffering. To achieve this happiness we must first be willing to change some areas of our behavior and expect changed results. We now know that WE control our attitude and the choices that we make in life, so, we now need to possibly adjust some areas in our lives that will bring us the peace and happiness that we so want and deserve.
Maybe you have heard it said "a happy heart does good like a medicine", or "laughter is the best medicine". I know these are true words from my own experiences. Laughter can be healing. Maybe you are one who is consistently happy, except for those rare occasions when tragedy comes to you or your loved ones. Or, maybe you are one of the millions who are so focused on just getting through the day, that periods of happiness and peace are far too seldom. Happiness is one of the things most desired by adults, yet for many, remains so elusive. Enjoying greater happiness is another choice that we make. We can choose to be happy
Have you ever been in a group of people when something was said or happened that made everyone hysterical with laughter, that is, all but one individual? That particular person either got mad or sulked in their disposition. By choice, they were hurting themselves and possibly put a damper on others.
Pay attention to this truth - your face tells the world much about who you are. It is true that "the eyes are the windows of the soul". A smile generates a warmth to others that brings a comfortable, happy feeling. One smiling face can change the atmosphere of an otherwise gloomy place.
Clearly, people want to associate themselves with others who have found the keys to happiness and delight. Wouldn't you prefer to be around someone who is happy and upbeat rather than someone who is always gloomy and wanting to vomit their problems upon you?
Radiant happiness is a choice, as is true inner peace. That which I know of this peace can only be found in one place, and that is in knowing the Creator who created you and put you here for a purpose. Only He can give the fulfillment of this inner peace. Without this peace, your pursuit of happiness is likely to be centered on the pursuit of pleasure, as opposed to real, continuous happiness. We are living in a world that is addicted to pleasure and is depriving itself of pure happiness. This short-term feeling of delight cannot fulfill the deep inner need for true peace and happiness called contentment.
Let us learn to enjoy the awesome beauty that surrounds us and exercise our laughter. It is true that laughter is catching! Happiness, too, is a choice. Make the choice to be happy for the rest of your life!
Surely hope you are gleaning nuggets of gold from this TIPS.
I'll be sharing more tips with you in a few days...catch you then!
My Father says, "...no one can take from you your joy"
Happiness is a state of well-being in which we are free from fear, resentment, anger, hostility, or forms of suffering. To achieve this happiness we must first be willing to change some areas of our behavior and expect changed results. We now know that WE control our attitude and the choices that we make in life, so, we now need to possibly adjust some areas in our lives that will bring us the peace and happiness that we so want and deserve.
Maybe you have heard it said "a happy heart does good like a medicine", or "laughter is the best medicine". I know these are true words from my own experiences. Laughter can be healing. Maybe you are one who is consistently happy, except for those rare occasions when tragedy comes to you or your loved ones. Or, maybe you are one of the millions who are so focused on just getting through the day, that periods of happiness and peace are far too seldom. Happiness is one of the things most desired by adults, yet for many, remains so elusive. Enjoying greater happiness is another choice that we make. We can choose to be happy
Have you ever been in a group of people when something was said or happened that made everyone hysterical with laughter, that is, all but one individual? That particular person either got mad or sulked in their disposition. By choice, they were hurting themselves and possibly put a damper on others.
Pay attention to this truth - your face tells the world much about who you are. It is true that "the eyes are the windows of the soul". A smile generates a warmth to others that brings a comfortable, happy feeling. One smiling face can change the atmosphere of an otherwise gloomy place.
Clearly, people want to associate themselves with others who have found the keys to happiness and delight. Wouldn't you prefer to be around someone who is happy and upbeat rather than someone who is always gloomy and wanting to vomit their problems upon you?
Radiant happiness is a choice, as is true inner peace. That which I know of this peace can only be found in one place, and that is in knowing the Creator who created you and put you here for a purpose. Only He can give the fulfillment of this inner peace. Without this peace, your pursuit of happiness is likely to be centered on the pursuit of pleasure, as opposed to real, continuous happiness. We are living in a world that is addicted to pleasure and is depriving itself of pure happiness. This short-term feeling of delight cannot fulfill the deep inner need for true peace and happiness called contentment.
Let us learn to enjoy the awesome beauty that surrounds us and exercise our laughter. It is true that laughter is catching! Happiness, too, is a choice. Make the choice to be happy for the rest of your life!
Surely hope you are gleaning nuggets of gold from this TIPS.
I'll be sharing more tips with you in a few days...catch you then!
The Seven Secrets of a Confident & Secure Woman
1. A confident & secure woman REPOSITIONS HERSELF
A confident woman never forgets the one thing that never changes –THINGS CONSTANTLY CHANGE. With the winds of change ever blowing, a secure woman realizes that she may not currently possess all the tools that will take her to her goal, but she’s always ready to learn what she needs to know in order to get there. This may mean going back to school, changing job or vocations or even moving to a different location, but she is ready, willing and able to adapt to changing circumstances.
2. A confident & secure woman KNOWS HOW TO GIVE AND TAKE
A confident woman understands that the gift is in the giving. She knows the laws that tell her what she gives will return to her several times over. She will give her time, energy and even her heart to those who need her. However, she also knows that she is not a super human and she does not over-extend herself. She regularly takes time for herself! She also recognizes that she has limits and, at times, finds herself in a position of needing assistance and is not afraid to ask for what she needs.
3. A confident & secure woman LIVES IN THE PRESENT
Dwelling on the past or worrying about the future is the bread of idleness that a confident woman refuses to eat. When recalling the past, she does not allow herself to dwell there but, rather, refocuses on the here and now. She understands that her past experiences, whether joyful or painful, are a part of her and have made her the confident person that she is today. She learns from the past and uses that information for current decision making. She has hopes for the future and engages in the occasional daydream while keeping herself solidly in the present tense of her life.
4. A confident & secure woman KEEPS HERE EYE ON THE PRIZE
Not everything we do comes up roses. To expect perfection is cavalier, but to know that mistakes are a part of the journey is wisdom. This knowledge allows the confident woman to refuse to pity herself when something doesn’t turn out as she’d hoped or expected it would.
5. A confident & secure woman KNOWS HOW TO SAY NO
Women have too little time and too much responsibility. The demands of jobs, child care, household duties, etc. are often draining. Having time to herself seems to be a far-fetched dream for many women. The confident woman knows her limits and her need for self care. She understands that in order to be able to accomplish all that she wants/needs to do, she MUST have adequate energy reserves from which to draw. While sympathetic and even flattered when her phone rings off the hook with others making requests of her, she is able to pick and choose those people or causes to which/whom she will devote her time and energy. She knows when she needs to politely decline so that she will have time to recharge herself or to ward off becoming overwhelmed. She also does not feel a need to offer apologies or excuses for needing to do so.
6. A confident & secure woman TRUSTS HER INNER VOICE
While she may occasionally feel uncertain or seek the counsel of others, the confident woman knows deep down that her own heart will give her the direction she needs. While this intuition may be said to be a characteristic of all women, it is one that becomes refined only with age, wisdom and experience. The secure woman will carefully consider all the information at her disposal, seek advice from those she respects and then turn to that little voice inside of herself and become her own best counsel.
7. A confident & secure woman DOESN’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF
If we allow ourselves to think too much about something or consider every little thing that could possibly come up or go awry, we can soon make mountains out of molehills. The secure woman is able to separate the chaff from the grain and focus only on those things of primary concern to her in any situation. She does not micro manage herself or her affairs. Rather, she focuses on the broader picture along with the key ingredients that are needed to solve her problem or reach her goal. She possesses inner strength and the wisdom to be able to create, change and adapt as necessary
The Seven Secrets of a Confident & Secure Woman by Scott Smallwood
Heart Touching...

I was a just-born and she was Twenty-Five,
Though we were we, we were one.
I would cry out in Latin and she would respond in Greek,
I would learn nothing but she never got tired to teach.
Though we were we, we were one.
I would cry out in Latin and she would respond in Greek,
I would learn nothing but she never got tired to teach.
I was surrounded by monsters eager to pull my cheek,
but they would vanish the moment I was wet and weep.
She would come running and hold me in her arms,
as if I had won the contest of the charms.
Now I was able to walk and chew,
and hey, I was two.
I and she could now understand each other,
I was her everything and she needed no other.
I and she could now understand each other,
I was her everything and she needed no other.
I would try to walk and fall down,
But knowing she was with me,
the fear of getting hurt was now gone.
We still could not converse that effectively,
But she would understand my needs so easily.
I could now roam about free,
because now I have turned three.
I was ready to join a new world,
my academic life was now gonna mould.
She would dress me as best as a prince,
but when I would come back,
she would need at least an hour to rinse.
I was now able to talk,
I was a ferry and she was my dock.
I still remember the child, whose shirt I had tore,
Hey buddy, I have turned four.
I now came home a little late,
Nevertheless finding her waiting at the gate.
She would hug me and carry me in her arms,
it felt like flying through the farms.
We now did the homework together,
I would spoil the home and she used to work.
Years passed and now I was fifteen,
and with each year I would forget to lean.
I wouldn't care for what she said,
because now I had become mean.
She would ask me to study for a good future,
but I was busy in a different culture.
Now I had many shes in my life,
I dreamed of having one of them as my wife.
I changed a lot which she did not teach,
She would try to hug me but I was out of reach.
She still waited for me at the gate,
but I would look at her with utmost hate.
She would be awake till late in the night,
because I wasn't home, I was in a fight.
She had so much to scold, but she never did say,
hoping to find me better the next day.
Time went on and now I am grown,
lost in the world of my own.
I and she, between us have a river,
I have left her for my career.
When I was young, for me, she sacrificed her ambitions,
but I don't care, I now have my own mission.
I am not with her now, I am in a different city,
she is so old now but I don't even pity.
She needs me now but I am nowhere to find,
in the race for appraisal, I have become blind.
In a few years from now, I will be two,
there will be in my life someone new.
Then I'll forget even to bother,
I am her son and she is my Mother.
Go someone is still waiting for you
Love is everything
Love is Everything
Lisa loved basketball
Friends and parties too
And when it came to painting
That's all she wanted to do
She painted everything she saw
Birds, flowers, and the sky
Some days she sat at her window
And painted everything that passed her by
But lately she'd been feeling woozy
Her muscles ached a lot
And her parents got kind of worried
So they took her to the doc
The doctor took a couple of tests
To see if everything was okay
Then the nurse came out with a look of sadness
And this is what she had to say;
"I'm sorry but you've got leukemia,"
"You've got about 3 months more."
Then Lisa got up and ran out of the room
And slammed the office door
She ran down the street screaming
And cried her eyes out dry
And stayed up all night
Wondering what it's like to die
Her parents held her tightly
And said, "We love you,"
"We'll make your last few months the greatest,"
"We'll do anything for you."
So Lisa and her parents moved to Florida
To live by the sea
Because Lisa loved the ocean
And when she dies, that's where she wanted to be
She spent her days painting
And horseback riding in by the bay
But one day she met this guy
And his name was Jay
They collected seashells together
And talked about all kinds of things
And then one day while walking
He handed her a ring It said,"I love you,"
Which brought tears to Lisa's eyes
And when he put it on her finger
She began to cry
He asked her what was wrong, and she replied,
"I've got leukemia, and about a month more."
He said," No matter what, I love you,"
"And no matter what, you are the one I adore."
So they spent everyday together
And swam in the Atlantic all day
But Lisa was getting weaker
And it was hard for her stay awake
So one day Lisa painted her picture
And gave it to Jay She said,
"I want you to remember me,"
"Even when I leave this place."
But one day while they were walking
And searching for seashells in the sand
Lisa collapsed and started to lose her breath
And said to Jay, "Please hold my hand."
"I love you more than anyone,"
You are my only true love,"
"But now my time is up,"
"And I'll watch over you from above,"
Then Lisa's body was lifeless
As she lay in Jay's arms
And he sat there all day
And kept her safe from harm!
Friends and parties too
And when it came to painting
That's all she wanted to do
She painted everything she saw
Birds, flowers, and the sky
Some days she sat at her window
And painted everything that passed her by
But lately she'd been feeling woozy
Her muscles ached a lot
And her parents got kind of worried
So they took her to the doc
The doctor took a couple of tests
To see if everything was okay
Then the nurse came out with a look of sadness
And this is what she had to say;
"I'm sorry but you've got leukemia,"
"You've got about 3 months more."
Then Lisa got up and ran out of the room
And slammed the office door
She ran down the street screaming
And cried her eyes out dry
And stayed up all night
Wondering what it's like to die
Her parents held her tightly
And said, "We love you,"
"We'll make your last few months the greatest,"
"We'll do anything for you."
So Lisa and her parents moved to Florida
To live by the sea
Because Lisa loved the ocean
And when she dies, that's where she wanted to be
She spent her days painting
And horseback riding in by the bay
But one day she met this guy
And his name was Jay
They collected seashells together
And talked about all kinds of things
And then one day while walking
He handed her a ring It said,"I love you,"
Which brought tears to Lisa's eyes
And when he put it on her finger
She began to cry
He asked her what was wrong, and she replied,
"I've got leukemia, and about a month more."
He said," No matter what, I love you,"
"And no matter what, you are the one I adore."
So they spent everyday together
And swam in the Atlantic all day
But Lisa was getting weaker
And it was hard for her stay awake
So one day Lisa painted her picture
And gave it to Jay She said,
"I want you to remember me,"
"Even when I leave this place."
But one day while they were walking
And searching for seashells in the sand
Lisa collapsed and started to lose her breath
And said to Jay, "Please hold my hand."
"I love you more than anyone,"
You are my only true love,"
"But now my time is up,"
"And I'll watch over you from above,"
Then Lisa's body was lifeless
As she lay in Jay's arms
And he sat there all day
And kept her safe from harm!
I hope this teaches you a lesson. To tell someone you love them whenever you can. Because maybe they'll be gone tomorrow. And you won't be there to hold their hand. Because love is everything to everybody. Without it, the world would be dead. So always tell someone you love them. A parent, a lover, a friend. Send this to everyone you know, it makes a big difference even though you don't think so... Everyone deserves an "I love you." Because there may be No one for that person to say it back to.
Weekend again!
Why am I easy going angry??
Really today I'm not in good mood. From the morning when just arrived at office, boss gave huge work. Today is saturday, half day office but gave me so many things to do and told that have to finish. Atleast I aslo finished some works now. Still have one work remain. But Now I don't like to do it because it's my lunch time now. But I haven't had lunch yet, just had a quarell with my dad in mind, he is not my real dad, but I think he is. I know today I made him angry. I'm sorry daddy.
I'm going to have lunch after some minutes then will back at work. Then will arrange my music blog, it's mess now I think :)
What will I do this evening?? When other girls in my age they are enjoy happy time with their boyfriends. And me?? After office time I will go to market buy some food then come home cook for dinner, have dinner with sister and brother, then will do some homeworks.
Yes, doing my homeworks. Yesterday evening at digital class, I was happy because I went on board and did exercise well, I like to learn this subject.
Tomorrow morning I don't have class so I will wake up late ^_^ . I love my bed so will not leave it early morning special on sunday. Then will do some houseworks, prepare for lunch, have lunch, take nap. Then afternoon, will go to my pupil's house to teach her. then back home.
Oh, my god, what is my weekend?? so boring :(
That why I don't have weekend.
But I wish all you have a great weekend. Don't have weekend like me.
Really today I'm not in good mood. From the morning when just arrived at office, boss gave huge work. Today is saturday, half day office but gave me so many things to do and told that have to finish. Atleast I aslo finished some works now. Still have one work remain. But Now I don't like to do it because it's my lunch time now. But I haven't had lunch yet, just had a quarell with my dad in mind, he is not my real dad, but I think he is. I know today I made him angry. I'm sorry daddy.
I'm going to have lunch after some minutes then will back at work. Then will arrange my music blog, it's mess now I think :)
What will I do this evening?? When other girls in my age they are enjoy happy time with their boyfriends. And me?? After office time I will go to market buy some food then come home cook for dinner, have dinner with sister and brother, then will do some homeworks.
Yes, doing my homeworks. Yesterday evening at digital class, I was happy because I went on board and did exercise well, I like to learn this subject.
Tomorrow morning I don't have class so I will wake up late ^_^ . I love my bed so will not leave it early morning special on sunday. Then will do some houseworks, prepare for lunch, have lunch, take nap. Then afternoon, will go to my pupil's house to teach her. then back home.
Oh, my god, what is my weekend?? so boring :(
That why I don't have weekend.
But I wish all you have a great weekend. Don't have weekend like me.
Keys to Successful Winning Relationships - Tip #2
TIP #2
CHOICES - decisions that we can control
My Father says, "I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance."
Life is a matter of choice, not a matter of chance. Relationships are made of choices. A relationship is made and kept as long as you decide that you have one. Your future is a thing to be achieved made of the choices that you make today, and each choice leads to a consequence. Each consequence is one strand in the fabric of our lives; therefore, I cannot blame others or events for what happens to me, since I am the weaver of the fabric that makes up my life. Others can only take from us what we are willing to relinquish.
Indecision, not having courage to make a choice, is a great enemy in many lives. Indecision steals opportunity and chances for a better future. This enemy must be annihilated by allowing courage to come forth and make a choice. We can choose to let situations and difficulties, however severe, take our life, our joy, our peace from us, or, we can choose to rise above it, however difficult the choice may be.
Your life is all about the choices and determinations that you make every day. You do have choices. You can choose to be guided through life by a purpose that feeds you and gives you abundant life, or, you can be driven by wrong choices made by bad attitudes, low self-esteem, loneliness, resentment and anger, FEAR, need for approval, materialism, and so the list goes on and on and on. Wrong choices are sometimes driven by our need for an excuse.
Some people have difficulty with the fact that we are responsible for what happens to us. Once we accept the fact that we create what happens to us and accept responsibility for the choices we make, we can then begin to make the most of our lives. For example, no one chooses to become obese, but many choose to eat the wrong foods; therefore, we suffer the consequences of our actions.
Another example, many people do not "choose" to be poor, but, by choosing to spend more than they earn, not choosing to set money aside for emergencies, choosing to waste money on unnecessary things, brings us back to the fact that we must live with the consequences of our choices.
Many times we stick our heads in the sand, like an orstrich, waiting for "things" to happen so that we don't personally have to make a choice. Sadly, we do not realize that we DID make a choice when we choice NOT to decide by burying our heads in the sand.
We MUST forget past mistakes made by wrong choices, and then, most importantly, FORGIVE ourselves and others. Since today is all that we have, we can be empowered by the fact that we can begin a new chapter in our lives with a positive attitude and by making choices that will be for our good and the good of our family and others around us.
Our Father did not put us here to forsake us. He is with us to help us make wise decisions if we will only ASK Him for help. It is up to us to be happy, grateful, joyful, at peace, gracious and kind, forgiving, loving...let us begin today a beautiful future walking in abundance by making RIGHT CHOICES. Choose wisely!
Stay tuned for TIP #3 :>)
CHOICES - decisions that we can control
My Father says, "I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance."
Life is a matter of choice, not a matter of chance. Relationships are made of choices. A relationship is made and kept as long as you decide that you have one. Your future is a thing to be achieved made of the choices that you make today, and each choice leads to a consequence. Each consequence is one strand in the fabric of our lives; therefore, I cannot blame others or events for what happens to me, since I am the weaver of the fabric that makes up my life. Others can only take from us what we are willing to relinquish.
Indecision, not having courage to make a choice, is a great enemy in many lives. Indecision steals opportunity and chances for a better future. This enemy must be annihilated by allowing courage to come forth and make a choice. We can choose to let situations and difficulties, however severe, take our life, our joy, our peace from us, or, we can choose to rise above it, however difficult the choice may be.
Your life is all about the choices and determinations that you make every day. You do have choices. You can choose to be guided through life by a purpose that feeds you and gives you abundant life, or, you can be driven by wrong choices made by bad attitudes, low self-esteem, loneliness, resentment and anger, FEAR, need for approval, materialism, and so the list goes on and on and on. Wrong choices are sometimes driven by our need for an excuse.
Some people have difficulty with the fact that we are responsible for what happens to us. Once we accept the fact that we create what happens to us and accept responsibility for the choices we make, we can then begin to make the most of our lives. For example, no one chooses to become obese, but many choose to eat the wrong foods; therefore, we suffer the consequences of our actions.
Another example, many people do not "choose" to be poor, but, by choosing to spend more than they earn, not choosing to set money aside for emergencies, choosing to waste money on unnecessary things, brings us back to the fact that we must live with the consequences of our choices.
Many times we stick our heads in the sand, like an orstrich, waiting for "things" to happen so that we don't personally have to make a choice. Sadly, we do not realize that we DID make a choice when we choice NOT to decide by burying our heads in the sand.
We MUST forget past mistakes made by wrong choices, and then, most importantly, FORGIVE ourselves and others. Since today is all that we have, we can be empowered by the fact that we can begin a new chapter in our lives with a positive attitude and by making choices that will be for our good and the good of our family and others around us.
Our Father did not put us here to forsake us. He is with us to help us make wise decisions if we will only ASK Him for help. It is up to us to be happy, grateful, joyful, at peace, gracious and kind, forgiving, loving...let us begin today a beautiful future walking in abundance by making RIGHT CHOICES. Choose wisely!
Stay tuned for TIP #3 :>)
Keys to Successful Winning Relationships - Tip #1
A leter from Reba Beard to me
Hi Van
...and you ask,"just how do I do that?" Good Question! Life is all about relationships, but, before we can have a successful relationship with others, we MUST get to the place where we are at peace with ourselves and happy with who we were created to be. There are many factors to consider that have gotten us to the place where we are now in life.
As we begin this journey towards having successful winning relationships with others, let us start by looking at some areas in our own lives that perhaps need a little fine-tuning. When we look within ourselves, something happens inside of us. This can be the beginning of change that we so desire in our lives.
Here are the TIPS that I promised you!
TIP #1:
ATTITUDE - a state of mind or a feeling; disposition
My Father says "...be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."
Attitude is everything and is truly one area of life that no one else can control but YOU. Having the right attitude is one of the basics that success requires. Life happens, every day, but the way that you respond to how life treats you is totally determined by you. The process of human change must begin within you.
We hear the terms "positive attitude" or "negagive attitude", but the truth is, we live our lives in one of those two arenas. This is a choice that we make for ourselves every day. Every aspect of our lives is determined by our attitude and the choices that we make daily. With each situation that comes our way, whether good or bad, we choose to rise above it,or we let it bring us down by the way that we allow our feelings to control us. We must learn to control our feelings and not allow our feelings to control us. Caring about ourselves means accepting full responsibility for our own feelings.
Our lives are largely shaped by our attitude. For instance, if we feel that we are not being heard or accepted by others, this could lead to problems with anger. If we have a history of being belitted by others, this could lead to problems with low self-esteem. Loneliness and isolation can lead to fear of rejection by others. And the list goes on.
We must always remember that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made". If we really desire to change, look up, and take each moment as a beginning. We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, take this moment that we are given - moment by moment, not day by day or week by week. We determine to have a positive attitude about our situations in life, however difficult, one step at the time.
It is extremely important that we allow the COURAGE that is deep within us to rise to the top, which will allow us to make changes that we need to make from within. So, pull from within the courage that you need to walk forward with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE! You CAN do it - one step at the time.
Thanks, and keep watching for TIP #2.
Here's to your success!
Warmest Regards,
Reba Beard
Successful Winning Relationships
Hi Van
...and you ask,"just how do I do that?" Good Question! Life is all about relationships, but, before we can have a successful relationship with others, we MUST get to the place where we are at peace with ourselves and happy with who we were created to be. There are many factors to consider that have gotten us to the place where we are now in life.
As we begin this journey towards having successful winning relationships with others, let us start by looking at some areas in our own lives that perhaps need a little fine-tuning. When we look within ourselves, something happens inside of us. This can be the beginning of change that we so desire in our lives.
Here are the TIPS that I promised you!
TIP #1:
ATTITUDE - a state of mind or a feeling; disposition
My Father says "...be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."
Attitude is everything and is truly one area of life that no one else can control but YOU. Having the right attitude is one of the basics that success requires. Life happens, every day, but the way that you respond to how life treats you is totally determined by you. The process of human change must begin within you.
We hear the terms "positive attitude" or "negagive attitude", but the truth is, we live our lives in one of those two arenas. This is a choice that we make for ourselves every day. Every aspect of our lives is determined by our attitude and the choices that we make daily. With each situation that comes our way, whether good or bad, we choose to rise above it,or we let it bring us down by the way that we allow our feelings to control us. We must learn to control our feelings and not allow our feelings to control us. Caring about ourselves means accepting full responsibility for our own feelings.
Our lives are largely shaped by our attitude. For instance, if we feel that we are not being heard or accepted by others, this could lead to problems with anger. If we have a history of being belitted by others, this could lead to problems with low self-esteem. Loneliness and isolation can lead to fear of rejection by others. And the list goes on.
We must always remember that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made". If we really desire to change, look up, and take each moment as a beginning. We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, take this moment that we are given - moment by moment, not day by day or week by week. We determine to have a positive attitude about our situations in life, however difficult, one step at the time.
It is extremely important that we allow the COURAGE that is deep within us to rise to the top, which will allow us to make changes that we need to make from within. So, pull from within the courage that you need to walk forward with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE! You CAN do it - one step at the time.
Thanks, and keep watching for TIP #2.
Here's to your success!
Warmest Regards,
Reba Beard
Successful Winning Relationships
I miss you
Where are you??
I'm really missing you now.
Right now, I just want to be here, the beautiful place with you, you know? As usual, every time I feel sad. In my mind just think of the nature's beautiful. Where there is waterfall with flowers and grass like this. And there are some birds, they are singing. And if you were here with me, it's really fantastic.
Or peacefull with this photo? Fresh air, relaxing and being in your arm to see these sences.
Just dreams, that dreams won't be come true??
Where are you?? Do you know that I'm waitting for you, waitting one time with you like this couple in this photo??
Is it too difficult for you?? Or maybe I haven't found that person??
Where are you? Can you hear me?? I'm calling you. Some one is in this world for me.
I hope there you are happy and know that I'm always loving you and waiting you.
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